Daily Bulletin on Meningitis « A » Vaccination Campaign 28 November to 04 December 2013 - Day 6

Daily Bulletin on Meningitis « A » Vaccination Campaign 28 November to 04 December 2013 - Day 6

Happy End...On day 6, the estimates is 101% coverage at countrywide. The post camapign evaluation will give us a real picture of what happens in the field. The population have responded positively to the social mobilization appeal. On Day 7 (last Wednesday) the population was still crowded and as we heard from differents parts of the Country, the teams was under pressure cause of the important demand.

During the 7 days of the campaign, each actor have played his/her role with perfection. We have to congratulate the Social Mobilization Team for the hard work and the results were visible on the ground.

The evaluation meeting of the national committee held yesterday have raised some questions to be taken into consideration (transportation, coordination, crowd controling), for the next upcoming activites and campaigns.

At the end of the campaign with the positive result is important to thanks once again the national authorities at all the levels and the partners (public and private), that have joined their efforts to make this campaign a succes.

The next steps will be the Post campaign evaluation and the implementation of the Case Based Surveillance.



For more informations :

sukwat [at] who.intjmarrato [at] unicef.orgguibbak [at] who.intgassamam [at] who.intdjingareym [at] who.int;
mbaldeh [at] unicef.orgapuri [at] unicef.orgmoudounjai2002 [at] yahoo.comylowe_jallow [at] hotmail.com;
esthervitto [at] yahoo.comkandolod [at] who.intlinganic [at] who.intbarryr [at] who.int;

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