Daily Bulletin on Meningitis « A » Vaccination Campaign 28 November to 04 December 2013 - Day 2

Daily Bulletin on Meningitis « A » Vaccination Campaign 28 November to 04 December 2013 - Day 2

On the second day of the campaign, UNICEF and WHO Representatives in the Gambia were in the field to make a follow up and a supervision visit. The two Representatives were with their technical teams.

Once in Gunjur, western Region two, health facility, they disscussed with the health workers and the vaccination teams on the roll out of the immunization campaign. Drs Sukwa and Marrato talked about the managment of the Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI), to be sure that this important issue of the campaign was taken into account. They visited the room dedicated to the eventual AEFI cases. No case of AEFI was notified at this time.

The second place to be visited was the secondary school of Gunjur. The site was well organized. A line was made for filling the vaccination cards and another one to get vaccinated. The two Representatives took the opportunity to discuss with the vaccination team and give them advices. For the second day of the campaign, Gunjur have reached about 15% of its target population due to late deployment of the 26 vaccination teams on the first day.

For more informations :

sukwat [at] who.intjmarrato [at] unicef.orgguibbak [at] who.intgassamam [at] who.intdjingareym [at] who.intmbaldeh [at] unicef.orgapuri [at] unicef.orgmoudounjai2002 [at] yahoo.comylowe_jallow [at] hotmail.comesthervitto [at] yahoo.comkandolod [at] who.intlinganic [at] who.intbarryr [at] who.int;

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