Gambia observes World Blood Donor Day 2013

Gambia observes World Blood Donor Day 2013

Banjul, 18th June 2013 -- World Blood Donor Day which is commemorated on 14th June every year has been marked this year with a global campaign that focused on the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.

Blood transfusion is an important component of health care delivery as the threat to life due to insufficient blood stocks and the risk of transfusion-transmissible infections calls for safe and adequate blood supply for those in need.

It is in this vein that the National Blood Transfusion Services of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in collaboration with WHO and other partners embarked on a massive sensitization campaign on both radio and television to reach the voluntary donors.

The event on this special day started with a March past of donors, students and other voluntary organizations lead by the Gambia Police Band and was hosted at the ECO Bank HQ grounds where health personnel and members of the community gathered to grace the occasion.

The Managing Director (MD), Pan-African ECO Bank-Gambia Ltd. Mrs. Mareme M. Ndiaye, in her opening remarks welcomed the guests at the event and expressed her institution’s delight to be part of the 10th year commemoration of World Blood Donor Day 2013. She stated that this is another milestone in the history of the Bank to collaborate with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and partners in this very important event that has been set aside by WHO.

She recollected some of the support that they had rendered to the health sector as part of their corporate social responsibility hence the need to embark on this campaign as she was positive that contributing their quota to the sustenance of humanity will indeed yield results as lives will be saved.

MD Ndiaye stated that they were deeply pleased to be at the forefront of this year’s World Blood Donor Day commemoration in The Gambia and that the campaign is not meant to be a one day event but serve to create enough awareness for each of us to endeavor to donate blood at least twice or three times each year.

She called on all and sundry to take a bold step and donate blood to give someone “the Gift of Life”.

The Deputy Mayor of the Municipality in his goodwill message welcomed the gathering to his municipality. He also highlighted the importance of blood and blood donation and his council’s commitment and collaboration in health development in the country.He urged the general public to remember to save blood into our blood banks for the lives we save may be our own.

The WHO Representative, Dr. Thomas Sukwa, in delivering his keynote statement highlighted the message of Dr Luis G. Sambo, WHO Regional Director for Africa and the theme, “Give the Gift of life, Donate Blood”, and informed the gathering that the objectives of 2013 World Blood Donor Day are:

- To thank blood donors for their life-saving donations;

- To promote voluntary unpaid blood donations;

- To convince Ministries of Health to commit to achieving self sufficiency in safe blood and blood products based on 100% voluntary blood donation.

He noted that many patients requiring transfusion, particularly in developing countries do not have timely access to safe blood with fatal consequences in most cases. He highlighted the importance of effective transfusion of blood and blood products in helping patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with a higher quality of life and their contribution to reducing maternal and child mortality.

He went on to say that making sufficient blood available, while ensuring its quality and safety remains an issue of concern in our region and therefore regular voluntary blood donation are the safest source of blood as there are fewer blood borne infection as compared to people who donate blood for family members in emergencies or give blood for payment.

He reaffirmed the continuing commitment and collaboration of WHO to provide the required technical support to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to ensure that safe blood and blood products are available and used appropriately for all people who need them.

Dr. Sukwa finally encouraged countries to provide safe and adequate blood through well organized, national blood systems that should be an integral part of every national health policy.

Other corporate institutions such as Standard Chartered Bank, Bank PHB and Trust Bank all donated cash to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in their safe blood collection campaign.

Deputizing for the Hon. Minister of Health and Social Welfare, the Deputy Permanent Secretary, Mr. Omar Sey sent the Honourable Minister’s apologies for not being able to grace the occasion. In his solidarity message he thanked the organizers for a job well done as he assured the gathering that health is a number one priority of His Excellency, Sheikh Professor Alhagie Dr. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh, President of the Republic of The Gambia.

Deputy Permanent Secretary Sey also dilated on the significance of the day, noting it was genuine to recognize and thank voluntary donors who continue to render their selfless support to ensure a safe and adequate blood donation. He also commended the security forces for their collaboration saying this should motivate more people to contribute to a safer blood transfusion services.

He finally called on Gambians to embark on an aggressive campaign to become regular blood donors as blood cannot be manufactured but can only be collected from human beings.

The National Blood Transfusion Service used the occasion to award certificates to organizations and individual donors as a token of appreciation for their humanitarian gestures to save lives.

A drama performance was staged by the Sukuta Blood Donor Association to sensitize the gathering at large. The occasion was chaired by Alieu D. Badgie.

Volunteers were then called upon to donate blood in centers arranged for the day.

Gambia observes World Blood Donor Day 2013 [



For more details please contact:

Mr. Momodou Gassama, Health Promotion Officer-9331961 Ext. 30805, Office: 00220 4462283/84/86

Mr. George Williams-Health Information Assistant-9900248 Ext.30808

The WHO Gambia Office, New Kotu Layout P.M.B 170, Banjul, The GAMBIA

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