Revitalizing Healthcare: Liberia updates its National Standard Treatment Guidelines and Essential Medicines List to enhance quality health service delivery

Facility consultation for the review of the Standard Treatment Guildelines Essential Medicines List

Revitalizing Healthcare: Liberia updates its National Standard Treatment Guidelines and Essential Medicines List to enhance quality health service delivery

Standard treatment guideline and Essential medicines list review technical session

The expiration of the 2017 National Standard Treatment Guidelines and Essential Medicines List (NSTGs & EML) in Liberia prompted the Ministry of Health (MOH) to initiate the review and update of the two strategic documents.  With support from the WHO and other key stakeholders, the Ministry of Health has successfully led the process of developing the NSTGs & EML 2023-2025, aimed at improving access to essential medicines, promoting rational prescription and use of cost-effective medicines for all citizens of Liberia.

The WHO model of Essential Model Lists (EML) for adults and children undergo a review every two years and are availed to member states for adoption and elaboration of their respective National EMLs. Upon requesting for financial and technical support, the Ministry of Health embarked on an extensive review process of the two documents, which commenced in February 2022 and was concluded in June 2023, to ensure the development of robust treatment guidelines and an essential medicines list that align with WHO recommendations and guidance.

The process involved the collaboration of a Technical Working Group (TWG), conducting stakeholder consultations at both national and subnational levels, including validation workshops with participants comprising of clinicians, health managers, policy makers and technical partners.

In addition, WHO identified technical experts and supported stakeholder consultations and validation of the documents through catalytic funding from the German Government, the EU- WHO UHC Partnership and KOICA. This generous support enabled the smooth progression of the process. The involvement of multiple stakeholders in the health sector including MOH (national, county and facility), Liberia Medical and Dental Council, Liberia Medical Health Products Regulatory Authority(LMHRHA),   UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, WFP, USAID, US-CDC, Jhpiego, Chemonics, World Bank, GFATM, GAVI, Last Mile Health, Partners in Health, Clinton Health Access Initiative Village Reach, Christian Health Association of Liberia, GIZ,  MSF, the private sector and academia, also ensured a holistic approach to the development and validation of these key documents.

Once rolled out the updated treatment guidelines and EML are expected to enable clinicians in the 930 public and private facilities across Liberia to better manage diseases such as COVID-19, respiratory illnesses, tuberculosis, HIV conditions, and other health conditions. The guidelines empower healthcare professionals with the necessary tools and evidence-based recommendations to provide quality healthcare.

Expressing his gratitude, the Honorable Deputy for Policy and Planning in the Minister of Health, Mr. Vaifee Tulay, acknowledged WHO, partners, and healthcare workers for their dedication in ensuring effective health service delivery. Mr. Tulay emphasized the importance of the updated essential medicines list, particularly in promoting the rational use of medications, especially antimicrobials, which have strong potential for being misused and abused.

The Assistant Minister for Curative Services in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Gorbee Logan, highlighted the significance of the validated documents, likening them to a "Bible" that healthcare workers will utilize when seeing patients, ensuring quality care and informed decision-making.

Mr John Harris, the Chief Pharmacist in the Ministry of Health, extended his appreciation to WHO and partners for their support in reviewing these documents, acknowledging their significance and impact on the pharmaceutical sector in Liberia, which encompasses both public and private facilities, as well as the wider community.

Moving forward, the focus will be on developing a training package to facilitate the smooth implementation, continuous monitoring, and supervision of the use of NSTGs & EML among healthcare workers. Sections of the guidelines will be regularly updated, based on new WHO recommendations and other best practices as they are made available. Furthermore, WHO will work closely with counties and health facilities across Liberia to establish and implement Medicines and Therapeutic Committees (MTCs), which will promote and monitor the rational prescribing, dispensing, and use of medicines, ultimately enhancing patient safety.

WHO remains committed to supporting Liberia in improving its healthcare system and ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare services for all citizens.

Participants to the consultative sessions discuss the review of the STG and EML
Facility consultation for the review of the Standard Treatment Guildelines Essential Medicines List
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