WHO hosts 2014 UN Day Celebrations

WHO hosts 2014 UN Day Celebrations

Harare: 24 October 2014 - In an event that has been described by many as hugely successful, WHO hosted this year’s colourful  UN Day Celebrations at their Highlands compound. The Zimbabwe UN Country Team (UNCT) marked the 69th birthday of the UN under the theme ”Together: Moving Zimbabwe Forward”. The theme and spirit of moving forward was reflected in the speeches from both the UN and Government representatives as well as in the displays mounted by UN agencies.

The Celebrations were attended by staff from all UN Agencies represented in Zimbabwe; Government officials led by the Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet; Heads of Embassies and the Donor Community; the media; civil society organisations; and representatives of UN partners and communities.

In his remarks, the UN Resident Coordinator (RC), Mr. Bishow Parajuli  highlighted that the UN was established 69 years ago to create a world free from violence, discrimination, poverty and disease, and appreciated the good collaboration between the UNCT and the Government of Zimbabwe as they work together to achieve that goal. “UN day commemorations provide a platform to show case the successes of this collaboration,” said Mr Parajuli. The RC also acknowledged and appreciated  the Donor Community for supporting UN efforts, noting that the 2012 – 2015 UN Development Assistance Framework (ZUNDAF) has so far received support to the tune of $1.1 bil .  He implored them to continue supporting the UN’s effort so that together they can help  to revive the country’s economy and move Zimbabwe forward. Mr Parajuli also spoke about the threat posed by the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in West Africa and emphasised that although the country is at low risk of having an outbreak, there is need to be prepared.

Speaking on behalf of the Government of Zimbabwe, the Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Retired Colonel Christian Katsande underscored that the UN was an indispensable platform for dialogue on concerns of poverty, peace and development. He thanked the UN for this role, particularly in Zimbabwe. “The unique mandate of the UN has been central in helping Zimbabwe achieve MDGs,” said Retired Colonel Katsande. He however acknowledged that there were challenges in attaining some MDGs but was quick to highlight that the country is determined to achieve these MDGs before 2015. He also reiterated that Zimbabwe will look up to the UN for support in the implementation of the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZIMASSET) macro plan, as well as the domestication and implementation of international treaties. He concluded by highlighting that the Government of Zimbabwe supports UN reform efforts to ensure that UN agencies work coherently under ZUNDAF in the spirit of “UN delivering as one”.

The UN Communications Group (UNCG) showcased their work in collaboration with the Government of Zimbabwe in colourful information booths which showcased their efforts graphically.

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