Strategic plan for strengthening Public Health Emergency Operations Centres in Member States of Africa and Eastern Mediterranean Region (2023–2027)
Public health threats such as disasters and public health emergencies (PHEs) including disease outbreaks, conflicts, droughts, and civil wars continue to be a major concern for Member States in Africa and Eastern Mediterranean Region. The International Health Regulations (IHR (2005)) require States Parties to develop, strengthen and maintain their capacity to respond promptly and effectively to public health risks and emergencies (PHEs). The Member States (MS) and partners, made a substantial investment leading to noteworthy progress in improving the emergency preparedness and response capabilities, especially after the largest Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic in West Africa in 2014–2016.
The Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC) is a hub for joint risk assessment and planning, and coordination of information and resources for effective emergency management. Many countries established and operationalized their PHEOCs in the aftermath of EVD epidemic in West Africa.