WR Zimbabwe meets ZITF representatives to discuss WASH meeting

WR Zimbabwe meets ZITF representatives to discuss WASH meeting

Harare, Zimbabwe: 11 June 2014 - WHO Representative for Zimbabwe, Dr David Okello met with representatives from the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) to discuss an upcoming water, sanitation, health and energy (WASHen) exhibition that is being planned for September 2014. Ms Stella Nkomo and Ms Nozipho Maphala from the Marketing and Public Relations unit of the ZITF met with Dr Okello in his Harare office to discuss the upcoming exhibition. Ms Nkomo said the ZITF is going to host a WASHen exhibiton in September and have realized that WHO is a key player in WASH hence the invitation to take part. She said there will be  parallel conferences running during the exhibition where papers will be presented on water supply, sanitation and energy topics.  She said they were inviting WHO to support the expo in 4 ways:

  • To exhibit any products, or information on WASH,
  • To be part of the conference and present some papers,
  • To support any partners to exhibit, or,
  • To attend as delegates and visit the expo

She also said they would also appreciate WHO’s help on the topics to be presented during the parallel conferences.

In his remarks, Dr Okello welcomed them and congratulated them in coming up with the idea of the exhibition and conference on WASHen. He also cited the unprecedented cholera outbreak of 2009 which he said was caused by a breakdown of the WASH system. “This is a very relevant initiative to encourage the Government and partners to invest in water quality, availability, and waste management,” he said. He said this bringing together of different players in WASH is useful to encourage dialogue on water supply, and to encourage investment in water supply systems.

Dr Okello said he will consult with his team to decide on ways to support the expo, but he intimated that WHO might support the conference by presenting papers on

  • Facts on WASH to trigger action to improve water supply and sanitation, and
  • The 2009 cholera outbreak success story.

He also said WHO is ready to offer technical support in the organizing of the exhibition and conferences.

ZITF is an international trade showcase held annually in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe  but Ms Nkomo said they now want to focus on small, sector wide exhibitions and conferences like WASHen, in addition to the trade showcase.

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