Dr. Jane Maina Assumes Role as WHO Interim Country Representative in The Gambia

Dr. Jane Maina (center) with the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmadou L. Samateh (right)
Photo credit: Monik Bhatta

Dr. Jane Maina Assumes Role as WHO Interim Country Representative in The Gambia

Banjul, The Gambia - In a significant stride towards bolstering healthcare initiatives in The Gambia, the World Health Organization (WHO) welcomed Dr. Jane Maina as its new interim Country Representative. Dr. Maina's arrival marks a pivotal moment in the nation's healthcare trajectory, bringing with her a wealth of experience and expertise garnered from her extensive career in health emergency operations.

Hailing from Kenya, Dr. Maina has served in critical roles within the WHO, demonstrating exemplary leadership in navigating complex health crises. Her tenure as the Health Emergency Operations Officer for the Emergency Preparedness and Response Cluster at WHO Ethiopia underscores her adeptness in managing emergency situations with precision and efficacy. Notably, her contributions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Mozambique and the Ebola response in Sierra Leone have earned her accolades within the global health community.

As Dr. Maina assumes her new role in The Gambia, her first official engagement was a crucial meeting with the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh. This inaugural encounter served as a platform for both parties to forge a collaborative path forward in addressing the nation's healthcare challenges.

The meeting, characterized by a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, delved into multifaceted discussions encompassing various aspects of healthcare delivery in The Gambia. Dr. Maina, with her vast experience in health emergency operations, provided valuable insights into strategic priorities for WHO in the region. Emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to healthcare, she underscored the need for strengthening access to quality and affordable health services, enhancing national capacities for detecting and responding to health emergencies, fostering multisectoral collaboration, and reinforcing WHO's leadership role in health governance.

Dr. Samateh, on his part, expressed his appreciation for WHO's steadfast support and collaboration with the Ministry of Health in advancing the nation's health agenda. He commended the instrumental role played by WHO in the development and implementation of The Gambia's National Health Policy, a cornerstone in the country's efforts to achieve its health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dr. Samateh articulated his government's commitment to building self-sufficiency in the healthcare system, ensuring equitable access to healthcare services for all citizens, and mitigating the financial burden of medical expenses on individuals and families.

The meeting also provided an opportunity to reflect on past achievements and chart a course for future collaborations between WHO and the MOH. Dr. Maina and Dr. Samateh engaged in constructive dialogue on aligning WHO's strategic priorities with The Gambia's national health objectives, with a keen focus on leveraging partnerships for quality healthcare delivery.

The theme of building partnerships for quality healthcare for all resonated throughout the discussions, underscoring the shared commitment of both parties towards achieving tangible improvements in healthcare outcomes. The meeting concluded with a renewed sense of optimism and determination to work collaboratively towards realizing the shared vision of a healthier and more resilient Gambia.

As Dr. Maina embarks on her journey as WHO's interim Country Representative in The Gambia, her leadership and expertise are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare in the country. With a strong foundation of collaboration and partnership established during this inaugural meeting, the stage is set for transformative healthcare initiatives that will benefit the people of The Gambia for years to come.

Dr. Jane Maina (center) with the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmadou L. Samateh (right)
Photo credit: Monik Bhatta
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Pour plus d'informations ou pour demander des interviews, veuillez contacter :
Monik Bhatta

External Relations Officer - WHO Gambia
Email: mbhatta [at] who.int