Polio Vaccination in Angola - A Duty and a Sign of Love

Polio Vaccination in Angola - A Duty and a Sign of Love

The scene on the morning of May 17 in the community of Calumbo, in Viana, Luanda, was a testament to the power of unity. Parents, teachers, health authorities, community leaders and traditional authorities, all united in a common cause, took the front line in the fight for better health for all children.

Among all those present that morning, Mariana stood out, being one of the first to arrive. Her steps revealed her anxiety, but her eyes shone with hope for the new path she was about to take. Two days earlier, a news report about new cases of polio in Angola had filled her heart with concern. The health of her children had become a constant worry, especially her youngest, who was only six months old and hadn't had any vaccinations. So, she went to the nearest health facility to find out how to proceed. At that moment, she was reassured by the health technicians who informed her that the Angolan Ministry of Health, with the support of the WHO, UNICEF and other partners, would be carrying out a national vaccination campaign between May 17th and 19th to stop the circulation of the virus and rapidly increase the immunity of the population throughout the country by administering two doses of the vaccine to children under 5 years old.

Mariana didn't think twice; she shared the news with other mothers in her community and was present with her children at the launch of the national vaccination campaign in her commune.

"I love my kids and taking them to get vaccinated is also an act of love and care." Said Mariana Francisco after her daughter was vaccinated by the Acting WHO Representative in Angola, Dr. Yoti Zabulon, during the launch of the national polio vaccination campaign in Angola.

The campaign's first phase was successfully carried out nationwide and aimed to vaccinate 5,549,140 children under 5. This campaign reaffirms Angola's commitment to Sustainable Development Goal number 3 of the 2030 Agenda - "Quality health and well-being", as mentioned by the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Angola, Zahira Virani, who also reiterated the United Nations' dedication to working closely with the government and local partners to ensure that all children in Angola have access to vaccination and essential health care.

Maintaining Angola's status as a polio-free country is a mission for all citizens and an act of love for the nation. Let's join forces and score a goal together for the health of all Angolans by kicking polio out of Angola.

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Oficial de Comunicação
Escritório da OMS em Angola
gamboo [at] who.int
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