
Country Cooperation Strategy 2023-2027 Nigeria - Summary
WHO/Ochemba C

Country Cooperation Strategy 2023-2027 Nigeria

The WHO Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) is the medium-term strategic framework for WHO’s collaboration with a Member State, in support of the country’s National Health Development Policy, Strategy, and Plan. The 4th WHO NIGERIA Country Cooperation Strategy (2023-2027), was  developed through extensive consultations with the Federal Ministry of Health & Social Welfare, all the 36 States Ministries of Health and Federal Capital Territory (FCT); other health-related ministries; the United Nations Country Team (UNCT);  the private sector, legislators, development partners, civil society, etc to objectively identify factors hindering effective health service delivery and recommend solutions. 
The five strategic priorities of the 4th WHO-NIGERIA Country Cooperation Strategy (2023-2027)  are based on WHO’s comparative advantage and are aligned with Nigeria's Health Sector Renewal Investment Programme (2023-2026), Nigeria Strategic Health Development Plan II (2018-2025), National Development Plan (2020-2025); the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2023-2027) and the Thirteenth WHO General Programmes of Work (GPW13).