Meeting to finalize NTD plans for 2012 kicks off in Harare

Meeting to finalize NTD plans for 2012 kicks off in Harare

Harare, 19 Mar. 2012 A meeting to finalize National Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) master plans and annual plans for 2012 in the WHO African Region kicked off today in Harare at the Crown Plaza. The meeting, which has participants from Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania (Mainland and Zanzibar), Zambia, Uganda ,Zimbabwe, WHO AFRO, HQ, World Bank, and the Global Network for NTDs will be running from 19-23 March. This is the first of 2 meetings, and a similar meeting for francophone countries will be held in Ouagadougou from 16-20 April. Following the WHO/AFRO's guidance and technical assistance to countries, all participating countries have revised NTD Master Plans, but the quality and level of completeness of these plans differ, and in order to validate and recommend the plans for approval, this meeting to review and finalize the coun-try plans and budgets is being held.

The objectives of the meeting are to:

  •  Review and complete national NTD Master Plans
  •  Finalize the Resource Requirements and Funding gaps analyses for NTD programs
  •  Enable peer review and share lessons regarding the NTD multi year plans
  •  Review and Finalize Annual NTD Plans for 2012

In her welcoming remarks, WR Zimbabwe, Dr Custodia Man-dlhate said there is a need to take advantage of the new global momentum towards the control, elimination and even eradica-tion of NTDs so countries must fully prepare for the resources that are becoming available for NTDs control.

" As countries we must organize our NTD control programs in such ways as to attract funding as well as deliver quality results for the populations we serve", said Dr Mandlhate. She also urged countries to continue lobbying for increased political commit-ment towards this worthy cause. Dr Mandlhate also acknowledged the presence of the World Bank at the meeting and urged participants to pay particular attention to discussions and advice on the modalities of accessing NTD funding under the community health systems strengthening funding window of the World Bank.

The aspect of partnering with the World Bank was also echoed by the IST/ESA Coordinator, Dr Oladapo Walker in his statement where he said part-nerships are very important in NTDs control and the World Bank is a key partner. He also said NTDs must be integrated in the primary health care ap-proach and the key tool must be integrated disease management. "The integration will ensure that NTDs are mainstreamed in the health systems of coun-tries" said Dr Walker.

Also speaking at the opening ceremony, Irene Wangeki Thuo from the Global Network for NTDs said the Global Network seeks to increase resource mobilization to end NTDs. They carry out targeted advocacy to donors and pool resources then dis-burse to high burden countries. "Our aim is to see NTDs on the agendas of the G8 and G20" said Wangeki Thuo.

Speaking on behalf of the World Bank, Chris Love-lace said the World Bank has a role to play in health systems strengthening for NTDs and pledged to sup-port countries in implementing their plans.

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