WHO Country Office Supports Ministry of Health in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Planning

WHO Country Office Supports Ministry of Health in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Planning

Botswana recognizes the global threat posed by pandemics caused by respiratory viruses, which recur unpredictably and pose significant risks to health, society, and economies. As part of the WHO Africa Region (AFRO), Botswana remains vulnerable to epidemic- and pandemic-prone diseases, including acute viral respiratory pathogens and influenza viruses. The COVID-19 and A(H1N1) pandemics underscored the severe threat posed by respiratory pathogens, exposing critical gaps in preparedness both globally and in Botswana.

In accordance with the WHO Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework, based on the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005), WHO and its partners are focused on strengthening global pandemic preparedness to ensure timely and effective responses to future pandemics. Countries, including Botswana, are encouraged to operationalize the High-Level Implementation Plan (HLIP) for pandemic influenza preparedness. Adopted by the World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2011, this mechanism emphasizes the sharing of influenza viruses and equitable access to vaccines and other benefits. In April 2022, WHO issued a policy brief on pandemic preparedness planning for respiratory pathogens, urging all countries to review their responses to COVID-19 and update preparedness plans with a focus on multiple respiratory pathogens.

Botswana’s HLIP will contribute to WHO’s Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS), enabling the rapid identification and sharing of influenza viruses with pandemic potential. It will also enhance policy and planning, prepare communities to engage effectively, manage infodemics, and develop operational plans to ensure equitable access to medical countermeasures. These steps aim to bolster readiness for the next pandemic. To support global pandemic preparedness and ensure timely, appropriate responses to future pandemics, the WHO country office, in collaboration with WHO/AFRO, facilitated a three-day workshop from July 19–21. This was done in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Botswana Public Health Institute (BPHI).

The workshop brought together key stakeholders, including the Ministry of Health and BPHI Programmes, the ministry of Local Government, the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, the Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This multi-sectoral approach emphasized the importance of a whole-of-government and whole-of-society response, thereby strengthening Botswana’s capacity to respond equitably and effectively to future pandemics and ensuring the country’s readiness for the next global health crisis.

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DUBE Onalenna Dianah

Communications Officer
WHO Botswana
Email: dubeo [at] who.int (dubeo[at]who[dot]int)