Experts advise on containment of the current malaria outbreak in Northern Uganda

Experts advise on containment of the current malaria outbreak in Northern Uganda

Kampala, 11 March 2016 -- The Malaria Outbreak in Northern Uganda is of great concern to the health sector. A number of interventions have been implemented to tackle the epidemic but it seems not to abet. Recently a Malaria Expert Review meeting was convened at Protea Hotel Kampala to explore ways to effectively tackle the problem and save lives.

The objectives of the meeting were:  to review the current malaria situation – especially on the increase in malaria cases in Northern Uganda; provide expert opinion on what has led to this situation; and to propose recommendations on how to address the current situation.

Speaking at the meeting, the Minister of State for Health in Charge of General Duties Dr. Chris Baryomunsi said that the Ministry of Health (MOH) considers the Malaria outbreak as a public health issue of great concern. He implored the conveners to assess the outbreak extensively and establish what went wrong after all the interventions that have been used to tackle malaria in Uganda. Dr. Baryomunsi reassured the experts of the government’s commitment to end this epidemic and thanked the partners for their continued support.

The World Health Organization Representative in Uganda Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu applauded the progress made in Malaria control in Uganda. He however cautioned that good progress usually comes with setback adding that, “the more we control malaria, the more we face bouts of outbreaks.” 

Dr. Alemu pointed out that the Malaria Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) recommendations are key to finding a solution to the malaria outbreak in Uganda. Overall the recommendations called for reintroduction of Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and Mass treatment. 

The experts shared findings in the research done in the affected districts.  The research revealed that; the affected districts lacked resources to deal with the outbreak; the inadequate supply of drugs; and lack of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials.

The district health officials from the affected districts shared field reports on current activities being implemented to stop the outbreak.  They specifically appealed for a scale-up of Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) for people to appreciate and use Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets (ITNs).

Officials from the National Malaria Control Program made technical presentations focusing on the context of the epidemic; efforts made to respond to the epidemic; and the current gaps and challenges. These were followed by presentations from WHO on policy updates and recommendations on malaria epidemics with focus on case management, planning and coordination, vector control and surveillance and post epidemic evaluation. Other partners African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA), Global Fund and President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) highlighted areas of the response they are willing to support.

There was a panel discussion led by MoH, WHO, Malaria Consortium and Makerere University on outbreak indicators. There was consensus that the current outbreak is a resurgence that ought to be addressed as such.

At the end, the meeting recommended re-introduction of IRS in the 10 northern Uganda districts and to continue to mobilize resources to sustain this intervention. The meeting further recommended strengthening disease surveillance including epidemic preparedness, monitoring and response and entomological monitoring of resistance. In addition it was recommended that Integrated Community Case Management of Malaria (ICCM) be introduced in the affected districts in addition to diagnosis and management of malaria cases.

The meeting was attended by close to 200 participants from MoH; District Medical Offices; partners (PMI/USAID, The Department for International Development (DFID) , ALMA, and Global Fund); research; and academia. WHO was represented by officers from the Country Office the Regional Office and the Inter country Support Team.



WHO Country Representative Dr. Alemu addressing  the press at the meeting

Hon. Dr. Chris Baryomunsi delivers his opening remarks

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