WHO supports polio surveillance, reproductive health and Ebola preparedness in Uganda

WHO supports polio surveillance, reproductive health and Ebola preparedness in Uganda

Kampala, 2 April 2014 - The World Health Organization (WHO) donated 52 motorcycles to the Ministry of Health to strengthen surveillance in districts, a motor vehicle in support of gender and human rights programme, and equipment to be used in the Emergency Operations Centre to monitor diseases of epidemic potential.

Dr Elioda Tumwesigye, the Minister of Health who received the items, thanked WHO for supporting the country’s efforts on immunizable diseases through the Uganda National Expanded Program on Immunization (UNEPI) regional supervision teams. Dr Tumwesigye noted that the motorcycles would boost the movement of district health officials to remote areas as they carry out surveillance work. He emphasized the government’s heightened commitment and determination to ensure prevention, preparedness and appropriate response to disease epidemics.

Handing over the equipment the WHO Country Representative Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu, said the equipment is a modest contribution from WHO to support the District Health Officers and strengthen their capacity to move in different areas of their districts. Dr Alemu highlighted the impressive performance of Africa in polio eradication noting that “for the last eight months, Africa has not reported any wild polio cases.”

Dr Alemu further underscored WHO’s commitment to support reproductive health improvements and Ebola preparedness activities alluding to the vehicle and equipment donated for those purposes, respectively.

The Commissioner National Disease Control in the Ministry of Health Dr Alex Opio, stressed the importance of disease surveillance as well as the importance of data collection from different districts, which will be eased by the donated motorcycles. He thanked WHO for the contribution and promised proper use of the equipment.

Uganda National Expanded Program on Immunization is responsible for ensuring that all the eligible children and women in the reproductive age group are immunized according to the Ugandan schedule. Uganda’s target just like the rest of the world is to eradicate polio by 2018.

To meet the above requirement, supervision teams have been set up throughout the country to ensure effective supervision in all districts. WHO supports this process through provision of technical assistance and advice. The donated motorcycles, vehicle and equipment will further boost this support.


For mroe information, please contact:

Mwebembezi Edmond, Public Information Officer
Tel: +256 414 335557
Cell: +256 782 962674
Email: mwembembezie [at] who.int


01. Dr. Alemu Wondimagegnehu, WHO Country Rep  hands over the key to the donated vehicle  to Hon. Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye Minister of Health

02. Dr. Chris Matene (DHO Mitooma district) sits on one of the donated motorcycles as Dr. Alemu Wondimagegnehu WHO Country rep  Dr Elioda Tumweisgye Minister of Health and Dr. Bakainaga WHO look on

03. WHO Country Rep Dr. Alemu Wondi  hands over a computer to be used in emergency preparedness to Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye Minister of Health

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