‘Ebola solidarity run’ organised to create awareness

‘Ebola solidarity run’ organised to create awareness

Kampala, 2nd February 2015 -- The Ebola virus disease (EVD) continues to ravage Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea in West Africa. Uganda, through WHO, international NGOs and partners continues to support the response efforts sending teams of health workers to help contain the disease.

Last week, the Ministry of Health with support from WHO, Uganda National Association of Community and Occupational Health (UNACOH), and African Center for Global Health and Social Transformation (ACHEST) organised a Solidarity Run intended to raise awareness on Ebola in the country. The run that started from Mulago National Referral Hospital and ended at the National Parliament was to remember health workers who have died due to EVD as well as to raise funds for Ebola and other epidemic preparedness.

The Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, Speaker of Parliament in Uganda, who was the chief runner appreciated the efforts of the “Ebola Fighters”, who were deployed to West Africa as part of the international response against EVD. “These Ebola fighters deserve to be recognised as heroes”, she said.

At the same function, the WHO Country Representative, Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu said EVD in West Africa had changed the general approach in response to disease outbreaks. He called upon the public to support such initiatives such as the Ebola solidarity run and re-affirmed WHO’s commitment to support not only EVD but all other responses.
At the peak of the EVD outbreak in West Africa, when several countries even banned their citizens from travelling to the affected  countries, Uganda bravely sent many health workers to support the fight on clinical management, coordination, surveillance, laboratory investigations and social mobilisation. 

That brave action was in line with the WHO Regional Committee resolution (AFR/RC60/R5), that created the African Public Health Emergency Fund. That resolution also calls upon WHO Member States to support each other during emergencies and disease outbreaks.

The African Public Health Emergency Fund



01. Min of Health, Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye flaged off the run

02. The Chief Runner Rt Hon Speaker Rebecca Kadaga giving her remarks

03. The run attracted hundreds of participants from the, government, development partners and the public

04. The WHO Country Representative Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu giving his remarks

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