WHO partners with CDFU to implement the Accelerating Nutrition Improvement (ANI) project

WHO partners with CDFU to implement the Accelerating Nutrition Improvement (ANI) project

Kampala, 31th July 2014:-  WHO has gone into contract with a local partner  Communication for Development Uganda (CDFU), a Ugandan based Non–Governmental Organization (NGO) who will implement the ANI Intervention. The target is to scale up the recommendations through a social and behavioral change communication strategy .

 Accelerating Nutrition Improvement (ANI), a World Health Organization project in Uganda aims to achieve stunting reduction among children under 5 years of age in Uganda.  This purpose of this intervention is to improve complementary feeding by promoting food based dietary recommendations.

The main objective of this project, among others is to develop an advocacy, social and behavioral change communication strategy that will include messages and materials to promote food based dietary approach to nutrition education with a focus on complementary feeding.

Communication for Development Uganda (CDFU) will be tasked to;

- Conduct KAP study on Nutrition Status and Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices to identify barriers and opportunities in order to develop SBCC strategy

-Develop and implement community-based social behavioral change communication (SBCC) strategy for IYCF practices using available local channels of communication, to promote initiation of breast feeding within the first hour of life, exclusive breastfeeding for six months, as well as timely, safe and age appropriate complementary feeding from 6-23 months using the food based dietary recommendations.

-Building on existing structures and systems in the districts, and utilizing existing materials approved by the MOH (with further adaptation/elaboration where required); conduct, and implement capacity-building activities on Interpersonal communication on IYCF

-Using existing presence in the districts, and linking to national level reporting; strengthen monitoring, supervision and evaluation components of the project at district level, including  support to the of health workers for monitoring and supervision of scale up activities.

-Implement community based growth monitoring promotion and support which is well linked to health facility services including proper keeping of records and reporting

Dr. Alemu said that this was a good step to curb on the malnutrition in children and also a timely partnership and activity as we head for the International Breastfeeding week and day that is celebrated in August. It is also in line with the Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG), which looks to reduce the under five years of age child mortality by two thirds between 1990 and 2015.

“I know and believe, this is for a good cause and trust that the accurate and appropriate information will be disseminated by our partners on this, CDFU”, he said.

The implementation of this project will take place in six districts namely; Hoima, Masindi, Kibaale, Iganga, Namutumba and Luuka in the West, East and Central Uganda respectively.

For more information, please contact:

Mwebembezi Edmond, Public Information Officer
World Health Organization
Plot 60, Prince Charles Drive, Kololo
Tel. +256 313 33550
Cell: +256 782 962674
Email: emwebembezi [at] gmail.com


  1. WHO Rep Dr. Alemu Wondimagegnehu handing over the signed contract to Ms. Allen Nankunda Babihuga
  2. The WHO Country Representaive Dr. Alemu Wondimagegnehu (right) signing partnership agreement with Ms. Allen Nankunda Babihuga from CDFU
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