WHO Representative Visits Uganda’s First Lady

WHO Representative Visits Uganda’s First Lady

Kampala, 13th March 2014: The World Health Organization (WHO) Representative for Uganda, Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu visited the First Lady of Uganda Mrs. Janet Museveni at her office in Kampala.

Dr Alemu thanked The First Lady for her tireless efforts on various health interventions especially immunization, elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV (eMTCT) and reduction of maternal, new born and child mortality. The two extensively discussed on some of the best practices in the neighboring countries that have achieved the health related Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) particularly 4 & 5.

Dr Alemu shared experiences and strategies from various African countries that have been used to reduce maternal mortality such as the use of extension health workers in Ethiopia and health surveillance assistants (HSA) in Malawi to bring basic health care services closer to the community where most of the deaths occur. In that regard, he informed Her Excellency about an on going discussion with MoH and partners including WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and CDC to support a study tour to Ethiopia and Malawi to enable government officials learn more about the effective contribution of properly trained and remunerated community health workers that is integrated to the health system within the framework of the Primary Health Care Strategy.

The First Lady, who is also the Minister of State for Karamoja Region, was updated on the quarterly routine immunization analysis for Uganda. This raised her concern mainly because it highlighted the sub-optimal performance of Karamoja Region on most immunization indicators. She, therefore, requested WHO to increase support to Karamoja region pledging her unreserved support towards ensuring that immunization coverage in that region improves and meets expectation.

Dr Alemu assured The First Lady of WHO’s continued support to Uganda and appealed to her to continue her advocacy particularly for maternal health, immunization and eMTCT. On that note, The First Lady appreciated the role and commitment of WHO in Uganda. Furthermore, she pledged to work in partnership with WHO to continue championing eMTCT through the Office of African First Ladies Against HIV, Uganda.


For more infirmation please contact:

Benjamin Sensasi, Health Promotion Advisor, WHO Country Office
Tel: 256 414 335500
Email: sensasib [at] who.int

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