The United Republic of Tanzania launches the presidential call to action on nutrition

The United Republic of Tanzania launches the presidential call to action on nutrition

“Good nutrition is the foundation for sustainable development, play your part” was the call made to all present during the launch of presidential call to action on nutrition on 16th May, 2013. His Excellency, Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania was the guest of honor in the well-attended event held at Mnazi Mmoja grounds in Dar es Salaam.

Others present to officiate the launch included: The First Lady of the United Republic of Tanzania, Mama Salma Kikwete, the Former First Lady of the United Republic of Tanzania, Mama Maria Nyerere, the Former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Ali Hassan Mwinyi, the Deputy Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Seif Rashid, Regional Commissioners, Ambassador for Ireland, Ms.Fionnuala Gilsenan, representatives from private sectors, civil society organizations, development partners including staff from WHO, UNICEF, USAID, UKaid, Irish Aid, World Bank, Hellen Keller International, PANITA, CIDA and DANIDA.

The President of the United Republic of Tanzania began his address by elaborating on the definition of good nutrition and the impact of undernutrition particularly among children and women. While recognizing progress realised since the country’s declaration of its commitment to implement the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) framework and Road Map to include: development of the National Nutrition Strategy, establishment of the national multistakeholder steering committee for nutrition and the on-going recruitment of district nutrition officers; he called for renewed efforts to:

  • Improve nutrition for mothers and adolescent girls
  • Promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life as well as timely, safe, appropriate and good quality complimentary food thereafter
  • Provide adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals
  • Promote hand washing

“Good nutrition is more than satiety. Good nutrition is possible, play your part”, the President concluded his remarks.

Remarks by UN agencies were delivered by UNICEF Deputy Representative, Mr. Paul Edwards. The speech commended the President for demonstrating exemplary leadership in the fight against undernutrition and stunting. While noting tremendous progress made in improving nutrition status in the country, he said, “challenges still remain in ensuring that awareness on nutrition is built, key sectors mobilised and nutrition services are provided at regional and district levels, at scale”. He concluded by assuring United Nation’s commitment to “play its part” along with other development partners in supporting the government of Tanzania to attain reduction in poverty and undernutrition by 2015 and beyond.

Similar sentiments were echoed in remarks delivered by representatives from USAID, UKaid, Irish Aid, Word Bank, Hellen Keller International and Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PANITA).

During the ceremony, the President participated in a number of activities including:

  • Tour to exhibition booths
  • Launching of the video on stunting
  • Launching of the National Nutrition Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy
  • Presenting awards to nutrition champions and certificates to food industries
  • Handing over Potassium Iodate to Chairman of Tanzania Salt Producers Associations (TASPA)
  • Handing over working tools to Regional Commissioners

The United Republic of Tanzania launches the presidential call to action on nutrition

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