Local students become active Ebola case finders

Local students become active Ebola case finders

Ever since the closure of the university due to the Ebola outbreak, Tony Harrison, sociology student at the University of Liberia, has been trying to help stop the spread of the Ebola virus in his country. He joined the team of active case finders to go from house to house to find out if sick people are being treated.

 Tony B. Harrison is a sociology student at the University of Liberia. Ever since the closure of his university many months ago due to the Ebola outbreak, Tony has been trying to find opportunities to help stop the spread of the Ebola virus in his country.

With his academic experience, Tony was suggested by his community chairman as an ideal person to join the team of active case finders working in district 8 of the Liberian capital Monrovia, in Montserrado County.

As a member of this community, Tony is perfectly placed to have access to the local people and conduct this exercise.

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