World Health Day 2012 Theme becomes sensational News for the Media

World Health Day 2012 Theme becomes sensational News for the Media

Tanzania like other WHO Member States has commemorated the World Health Day (WHD) 2012. The WHD 2012 was deferred as it coincided with Easter. Hence the Tanzania Government decided to postpone the WHD Occasion to 17th April in order to give it due prominence. The main planned activity was stakeholders’ advocacy and information dissemination. A Media advocacy session was organized on 17th April 2012 and it attracted larger than expected participation of the Media.

While 30 were invited 58 members of the Media attended and fully participated in the outlined activities to celebrate the WHD. The event was chaired by the Hon. Minister of Health and Social Welfare who was represented by the Commissioner of Social Services who delivered his speech. The RD’s Message was delivered by the WR Tanzania, Dr. Rufaro Chatora who was represented by Dr. Martins Ovberedjo.

The WR congratulated the Government of Tanzania, for high level political commitment and support for health, acknowledged achievements in the health sector including caring of the older population. He said the African Region has witnessed a rapidly increasing number of elderly persons aged 60 years and above since 1985 and that the elderly challenges are related to the changes in the social, political and economic conditions of society.

The occasion continued with presentations of four panellists from various institutions dealing with the old age population. These include the Social Security Regulatory Authority which represented all Insurance Institutions and commented on retirement Issues and challenges and solutions; A representative from Helpage International talked on Ageing Issues and Challenges and possible solutions; Social Services Commission talked on vast experience in dealing with old age population and finally a representative from the Old Age Association namely Tanzania Legion & Club who made a number of observations related to care, respect and commitment for services for old age population in the country.

The presentations stimulated several responses from the audience. The role of the Media in educating the community was highlighted.

Participants were also informed that the Insurance Funds serve only 4% of the Tanzanian old population who were once employees and the remaining 96% of the old population remain without being covered by any such service. The Government, on its part is coming up with policies addressing issues and challenges of the old age population.

Other activities for this year included printing of advocacy materials with the WHD2012 messages. These included Posters, Street Banners, T-Shirts and Caps which were used to further disseminate the message.

WHD 2012 activity at WCO

The World Health Day 2012 commemoration was extended by conducting a mini function at the WCO whereby the staff shared information on the occasion. Finally each staff member was presented a mug with WHO Emblem and the WHD 2012 message on it.

World Health Day 2012 Theme becomes sensational News for the Media

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