World No Tobacco Day Report 2009 - United Republic of Tanzania

World No Tobacco Day Report 2009 - United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania joined hands with the rest of the world to commemorate the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) for the 23rd time on 31st May 2009. This is done to create people’s awareness and to curb the use of tobacco products in the country, which has been on the increase in the 21st century. The activity this year WNTD was successfully hosted by Kilimanjaro Region, in the township of Holili, Rombo District.

Planning and implementation of activities

A national WNTD Preparatory Committee was formed in April, 2009 by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to coordinate the participating institutions at WNTD, 2009. These Included: The Tanzania Public Health Association (TPHA), The Tanzania Tobacco Control Forum (TTCF), The Ocean Road Cancer Institute and the media.

Major events on WNTD, 2009

Events that colored the WNTD, 2009 included: a public address, procession, speeches from delegates, lyrics, poetry and theatrical presentations from school groups and traditional dances by a group of senior citizens.

Welcome messages

The District Administrative Secretary (DAS) of Rombo presented the welcome address after introducing the distinguished guests present at the occasion. He apologized on behalf of the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, who missed the commemorations because of other commitments in Dar Es Salaam. The DAS Speech was echoed by the Chairperson of the Tanzania Public Health Association, who along with greetings from the Association, pledged also to continue fighting the tobacco epidemic in Tanzania hand in hand with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The TPHA Chairperson also transmitted greetings from TTCF which was commemorating WNTD in Dar Es Salaam. His brief speech reiterated on the hazards of tobacco products, in particular among the youth, and warned of the potential danger of these products to the health of the consumer. Specifically he cautioned on the effects to non users who cohabit or work with smokers of tobacco products.

WHO Remarks
Dr. Jean Baptiste Tapko, WR a.i. delivered the WHO Message, by firstly thanking MOHSW, for inviting WHO to the commemoration, and to the Regional and District Authorities who made it possible to stage the event in at Holili. Dr Tapko went on to deliver WHO Regional Director’s message for WNTD, 2009 by reading part of his speech in fluent Kiswahili. He was cheered up and commended for having mastered the national language well within the short period of four months of residence in Tanzania.

In his speech, he gave a historical narrative of WNTD and the reason for its creation. He acknowledged the scientific inputs that put to light the dangers of tobacco, and all efforts being made to control tobacco especially educating the youth. He especially commended the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania for being proactive and establishing a tobacco control law in 2003 and for ratifying the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control in 2007. After spelling out this year’s WNTD message the WR stressed on the importance of all government sectors joining hand to fight tobacco, and called upon all Tanzanians to educate the younger generation, which is the target of the tobacco industry.

Speech by the Guest of Honour

The Guest of Honour for the occasion was the Hon. Minister of Health and Social Welfare who was represented by the District Commissioner for Rombo. Hon. Peter Ole Toima. The Guest of Honor commended WHO for facilitating the Government in addressing the controversial subject “Tobacco and its control”. He said the theme for this year’s WNTD was timely, taking into consideration the tobacco industry’s reluctance to disclose the truth about the ill effects of tobacco use. Acknowledging the controversial nature of tobacco, the Guest of Honour continued to present the position of MOHSW, and achievements made so far towards the goal of a tobacco free Tanzania. He clearly stated that health should come first and foremost. Among the Major achievements made by MOHSW so far include the ongoing review of the law (Tobacco Products Regulation Act, 2003), and the drafting of the First National Tobacco Control Strategic Plan (2009-2015), to guide the implementation of the law. The Guest of honour went on to say that an inter-ministerial Committee will also be formed to monitor the implementation of tobacco control in Tanzania in the future.

Social Mobilization
To mobilize the community to participate in World No tobacco Day a series of activity were held before and during the event. These included:
Students and the Holili community marching to mark the WNTD 2009 at Holili town, venue for national level.
Students and the Holili community marching to mark the WNTD 2009 at Holili town, venue for national level.

Radio and TV campaigns by civil society, including ITV, TBC1 and Radio Tumaini
Press conference at Information Services “Maelezo”
Press release by MOHSW on the eve of WNTD on Radio and TV
Article in the independent English newspaper the Guardian –special supplement
A special vehicle that went around in Himo and Holili townships on 30th and 31st May to announce the event
Announcements in the local FM radio
Other activities were dissemination of advocacy materials (posters, street banners and leaflets) which were fixed on vehicles at different locations in town and at the WNTD venue. T-shirts and caps containing messages for the WNTD 2009 were distributed, primarily to the youth who took part in the commemorations and traditional dances. This drew the attention of the community and facilitated delivery of WNTD message.
Procession: The community of Holili and surrounding villages, including:

Primary and Secondary School students, Nursing college students, Scouts and Health Workers marched to mark the WNTD and the procession was received by the Guest of Honour at the Holili market place.
School children marching in Dar Es Salaam to commemorate WNTD 2009.

TPHA called for a youth essay / cartoon drawing contest with themes relating to tobacco hazards. The contest was won by five who were awarded with prizes ranging from 100,000 to 50,000Tshs. Also prizes were given to each of the schools and groups that colored the WNTD, 2009 event.
VCT Services

HIV/AIDS control has always been greatly emphasized in such big events. Voluntary Counseling and testing services on HIV was provided at the ground by ANGAZA. The service drew a number of people who wanted to know their HIV Status.

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