Disease early warning, alert and response in emergencies

Disease early warning, alert and response in emergencies

Humanitarian emergencies increase the risk of transmitting disease. Disease outbreaks, such as malaria, measles and cholera, are often a major cause of illnesses and death during crises.

The global Early Warning and Response System (EWARS) project is a WHO initiative to catch disease outbreaks early on to be able to contain them in emergencies. It supports Ministries of Health and health partners by providing technical support, training and field-based tools.

EWARS is committed to supporting disease surveillance, alert and response even in the most difficult operating environments. “EWARS in a box” is a kit of durable, field-ready equipment needed to establish and manage surveillance or response activities in field settings.

This photo essay illustrates how the first “EWARS in a box” was set-up in Mingkaman, an internally displaced persons (IDPs) settlement, in South Sudan.

Read more about Disease early warning, alert and response in emergencies

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