WHO South Sudan Country Representative visits South Sudan and DRC border as part of Ebola Preparedness and Response

WHO South Sudan Country Representative visits South Sudan and DRC border as part of Ebola Preparedness and Response

Juba, 08 Sept 2014: The WHO Country Representative for South Sudan, Dr. Abdi Aden Mohamed, the Minister of Health Dr. Riek Gai Kok, the State Minister of Health for Western Equatoria State Hon. John Bono, Undersecretary of MoH and 2 members of the national parliamentary health committee have visited Yambio city, Western Equatoria state. On Sept 9, the team visited Nadapal, Gangura the border between South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as part of the Ebola Preparedness and Response. This follows reports of Ebola Outbreaks in five West African Countries and the DRC that shares border with South Sudan.

The visit was part of WHO and the Ministry of Health’s awareness creation for state government leadership and the community on Ebola, and to advocate for support from all sections of the community towards Ebola prevention in South Sudan. Speaking to the Members of Parliament and Ministers at the State level, Dr. Abdi said that WHO would continue to provide the State Ministry of Health with technical support through training of health workers, active surveillance at the border points, provision of personal protective equipment and support to social mobilization as part of the organizations preparedness plan. “We will support you to establish screening at the border entry points as we have done at Juba International Airport by providing to you with necessary training, equipment and tools,’ said Dr. Abdi. 

Dr. Riek Gai Kok thanked WHO and State Ministry of Health teams for all the measures put in place, including the reactivation of the State Taskforce to discuss issues on Ebola and for drawing up the Ebola Preparedness plan. 
He said it’s very important for Western Equatoria State to have all preparedness mechanisms in place as the first case of Ebola was reported in 1976 Nzara, WES. “We are here because WES borders the DRC and an Ebola outbreak has been reported there, and it’s therefore important that we work together as a team to share as much information as possible with the community as a preventive measure,” he said. 

Dr. Bono thanked WHO and the Ministry of Health team for their support in providing guidance to put together the preparedness plans. He pledged cooperation and support in ensuring that the communities are well informed on how to prevent Ebola and its dangers. 

Dr Abdi and the Minister of Health were accompanied by two Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Health Committee at the National Parliament, State Minister of Health, Western Equatoria State, the Under Secretary Ministry of Health, staff of WHO and UNICEF. Together with other team members, community dialogue was held with communities and their leaders at the border points of the two countries and sensitized on the danger of consuming bush meat, which is a common practice in this community 
The team also visited Yambio Hospital to assess the progress of the construction of the maternity complex, waiting home and the theatre and suggest ways of improving the ongoing construction work. WHO is supporting the construction of the two structures in Yambio hospital with support from the Canadian government. 

WHO Representative and the Minister of Health also attended a quarterly review meeting on health for Western Equatoria State organized by Jphiego during which WHO gave a general briefing to participants on Ebola and the status of preparedness and response at the State level.

  1. The Minister of Health in the company of Dr Abdi and other MOH, WHO and UNICEF sensitizing the community in Gangura on Ebola.
  2. Dr Abdi gives remarks to members of the press at Nadapal, the border of South Sudan and DRC.
  3. Dr Riek Gai Kok, Dr Abdi Mohamed Aden and other team members speaking to immigration team at Gangura border between South Sudan and DRC.
  4. The Under Secretary Ministry of Health and the State Ministry of Health discuss with Dr Abdi and members of the Legislative Assembly and Health Committee at the border.
  5. Dr Abdi speaking at the opening ceremony of the quarterly review meeting for Western Equatoria State organized by Jhpiego.
  6. Inside the Yambio hospital theatre constructed by WHO with support from the Canadian Government.
  7. An outside view of the new theatre in Yambio hospital.
  8. The Minister of Health holds a discussion with the WHO team, the Under Secretary and the State Minister of Health at the proposed training institute for clinical officers in Yambio.

Photo Credits:  WHO/P. Ajello

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