WHO Supports National Events

WHO Supports National Events

The World Health Organisation is currently working with the National Department of Health and key stakeholders in planning the following: 

Commemoration of Africa Vaccination Week (AVW) 2013 in April. The goal of the AVW in SA is to increase the awareness of the benefits of the second dose of measles vaccination at 18 months among health care workers, parents and caregivers. WHO is a member of the AVM 2014 Coordination Team, is involved in AVW planning and has assisted in drafting a related concept note.

Prevention and Management of Obesity in South Africa. WHO is providing technical input in the development of a plan for the "Call for Action towards Prevention and Management of Obesity in South Africa".  The related campaign is planned for launching in April.

World TB Day 2014: WHO is currently a member of a Multi Stakeholders Team planning this year's World TB Day.  Among others, WHO is supporting the development of monitoring and evaluation plan for the event.  About 2000 community participants are expected to attend and volutarily present for TB testing during the event.

HPV Vaccination Campaign now planned to be launched on 11 March. The introduction of HPV vaccine is a significant public health milestone for South Africa, and is expected to significantly contribute to the control of Cervical Cancer and reduce associated mortality within the next 2 to 3 decades. During February WHO support included technical assistance in carrying out HPV Vaccination Readiness Assessment and support visits in nine provinces.

HCT and MMC Campaigns. The Government of South Africa launched the revitalized HIV and Counseling and Testing (HCT) and the Medical Male Circumcision (MMC) campaign at the World AIDS Day 2013.  During 2014, WHO will provide technical support in mobilising South Africans to increase the uptake of both HCT and MMC