6th SA Aids Conference, 18 - 21 June 2013, ICC Durban, South Africa

6th SA Aids Conference, 18 - 21 June 2013, ICC Durban, South Africa

The conference theme is Building on Successes: Integrating Systems. According to the conference chair, Koleka Mlisana, Associate Prof and Head: Dept of Medical Microbiology, University of KwaZulu-Natal and NHLS, “it is … time for all of us to ‘Build on all … successes’ as we tackle TB and HIV co-infections and move to the next phase  of  conquering TB and HIV & AIDS.” The conference provides an opportunity for participants to showcase the great work and contribution they are making in achieving “our common goal of an HIV free world”.  WHO will be exhibiting its work on integrating HIV, AIDS and TB systems. More on WHO participation in the conference 

Building on Successes: Integrating Systems

WHO exhibition: Through an exhibition, the WCO plans to provide an opportunity for staff to interact with visitors and participants at the conference. Using WHO’s six‐point working agenda as a framework for key messages, the exhibition is intended to prompt members of the target audience to seek more information on WHO’s work on integrating HIV, AIDS and TB systems.  The exhibition will include a display of WHO technical resources, posters, or any related multimedia materials intended for viewing by participants and visitors attending the Conference.  

Satellite Session: WHO is sponsoring a satellite session on the use of ARVs for HIV prevention and treatment.  HQ, AFRO, IST and WCO will present and facilitate the discussions

WR South Africa: Is chairing a session on Health Systems

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