Polio and Measles Immunisation Campaign

Polio and Measles Immunisation Campaign

The National Department of Health is planning to carry out two immunisation rounds during 2013.  First round will cover Polio and Measles starting between 29 April and 17 May.  Second round will cover only Polio and will run between 17 and 28 June 2013.  The WCO is supporting the NDOH to successfully carry out the planned immunisation. 

The National Department of Health is planning to carry out two immunisation rounds during 2013.  First round will cover Polio and Measles starting between 29 April and 17 May.  Second round will cover only Polio and will run between 17 and 28 June 2013. To reach expected coverage, among others, the campaign will embark on the following activities:

Inform and educate the public about the Polio eradication and Measles elimination campaign
Communicate the benefits of elimination so as to ensure uptake of the vaccine by targeted groups
Develop capacities of vaccinators, supervisors and other health workers involved in the Campaign: to plan, implement, supervise, monitor and evaluate activities of the Campaign.
WHO is supporting NDoH in the following areas:

Developing 2013 Polio and EPI Immunisation Campaign partnerships and ACSM initiatives with key sectors including other government departments, corporate, media and civil society.
Conducting a series of workshops:
Nine provincial campaign preparedness trainings of healthcare workers covering the following areas: Background and rationale of campaign, Clinical Practices and AEFI, Cold Chain and Stock Management, Social Mobilisation, Data Management, Campaign reports, Campaign Microplans: Focus on District & Sub-district, Surveillance and Key  Priorities, Supervision and Campaign Post Organisation, Pre-; Intra and post campaign evaluation, and Provincial Training Cascading Plan
Training sessions with key staff that will be responding to media queries.
Training sessions with media to explain Polio and Measles Elimination Campaign
Carrying out intra and post campaign assessments

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