Sierra Leone trains Health Workers on Ebola

Sierra Leone trains Health Workers on Ebola

Freetown 30 April 2014 - The Ministry of Health and Sanitation with support from Metabiota and WHO has trained 250 health workers on Ebola Virus Disease in Kenema, Kailahun, Kono, Pujehun and Western Area. The objective of the training was to provide updated information about Ebola Virus Disease focusing mainly on prevention. In that regard, emphasis was put on case detection, early reporting, sample collection and transportation, personal protection for health workers and communication.

Through presentations, discussions and practical sessions, participants were equipped with skills and knowledge to adequately respond to Ebola outbreak at their areas of work. The participants, drawn from the Peripheral Health Unit (PHU), are now able to conduct active surveillance, contact tracing and hold interpersonal and group communication tackling behaviours that are likely to predispose people to Ebola infection.

According to several participants, issues likely to pose major challenges in Ebola response in their areas of work include hunting and eating of bush meat, caring for the sick and burying the dead. This calls for a sustained health promotion using advocacy, health education and social mobilization strategies at national and community levels.

At present there is no laboratory confirmed case of Ebola in Sierra Leone. Over 100 samples have been collected and test at the Lassa Fever Reference Laboratory at Kenema and all are negative for Ebola with a few (10) positive for Lassa Fever. The entire country is on high alert for Ebola.

The country will continue with active surveillance and community sensitization until the treat is over. For these activities to be adequately implemented additionally resources are being mobilized from partners and within WHO


For More Information contact:

World Health Organization
21 A and B Riverside Drive, off King Harman Road, Freetown


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