Sierra Leone's Rescue Team: Ebola survivors supporting each other

Sierra Leone's Rescue Team: Ebola survivors supporting each other

The "Rescue Team", an association set up by Ebola survivors to help fellow survivors trying to put their lives back together again, is now exploring ways to contribute to the Ebola outbreak response in Sierra Leone.
"How can I make a life when I have no hope? My future is blind," says Sherrie Bangura as he contemplated life after recovering from Ebola virus disease.
Back in October 2014, Mr Bangura, 25 years-old, fell ill with Ebola virus disease after caring for his sister, who died from the disease. Twenty-four other people living in the same house contracted the virus and died. Only Mr Bangura and 2 other people survived.

Before he fell ill, Mr Bangura had lived with his uncle. But when he was discharged from the Ebola treatment centre, Mr Bangura found he was no longer welcome back in his own home. "I don’t want to remember the day my uncle told me to leave his house. He is the one who should have helped me, but he denied me instead," said Mr Bangura, his voice shaking with emotion

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