Helping the Ebola survivors turn the page

Helping the Ebola survivors turn the page

As the Ebola outbreak grows and spreads, a small but significant group of people is also growing - the Ebola survivors. Emerging shell-shocked from what one described as a "glimpse of hell", the survivors have not found life easy on the other side of the Ebola ward.

Some in the community brand them as "witches" for surviving. For many, the faces they longed to see again while lying in the Ebola ward are no longer there. Husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers have all been carried off to unmarked graves by Ebola virus disease.

“I am learning to live a new life in the home without my husband and my 2 children. Now there is so much emptiness in the house especially at night,” said Fatimata Gaima who clung to life in the hospital desperate to get home to care for her 3-year old.

However, as she recovered, her worst fears came true. Her last child was brought to the hospital ward, tested positive for Ebola, and died a few days later. Read more

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