Ministry of Health and Partners Conduct Post Epidemic Evaluation of Recent Cholera Outbreak

Ministry of Health and Partners Conduct Post Epidemic Evaluation of Recent Cholera Outbreak

Sierra Leone conducted post epidemic evaluation of the cholera outbreak that affected 12 out of the country’s 13 districts with a cumulative of 22,971 reported cases and 299 deaths and case fatality rate of 1.30 between January to December 2012. The evaluation was conducted in March 2013 with the objective to assess the overall  outbreak response and preparedness with a view of documenting lessons learned, identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and make recommendations. The evaluation focused on technical aspects of the thematic areas including preparedness and response; organization and coordination of the outbreak response; surveillance, outbreak detection and laboratory support; case management and logistics; infection prevention and control; social mobilization; water, hygiene and sanitation.

The exercise was jointly supported by the national cholera task force multi-sectoral coordination committee, chaired by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS). WHO experts from Country Offices, Inter-Counter Support Team West Africa, Regional Office for Africa and Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network partners supported the development of tools, data collection, analysis and report writing. A team of experts comprising of clinician, microbiologist, epidemiologist and social mobilisation conducted the data collection exercise in selected health facilities in 7 districts including Bo, Kenema, Moyamba, Kambia, Tonkolili, Western Area (Urban and Rural) and Kailahun. Data collection methods included desk review, structured interviews of key informants, structured questionnaires, discussions and observations. The team has presented its finding to the MoHS and partners.

The findings and recommendations of the evaluation will be used in the development of a multi-sectoral/multi-year cholera preparedness and response plan for the country.

The cholera outbreak was detected and confirmed in February 2012 through joint assessments by MoHS and the World Health Organization. On 16 August 2012, the government declared it as a public health emergency which resulted in the establishment of a Presidential taskforce on cholera. The declaration also led to a scale-up of interventions by health development partners, the United Nations, NGOs and the establishment of a Cholera Control and Command Centre to provide coordination and technical assistanc


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