WHO donates $600,000 worth of items to Ministry of Health and Sanitation

WHO donates $600,000 worth of items to Ministry of Health and Sanitation

Dr Wondi Alemu, WHO Representative handed over various items worth US$600,000 to Hon Minister of Health & Sanitation, Mrs Zainab Bangura on behalf of the WHO Director General, Dr Margaret Chan and the Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis Sambo on 19 March 2012. The Representative stated that WHO has prioritized building capacity of MoHS to take owner-ship of its programmes thereby ensuring strengthened and sustained health system for better health outcomes in the country. He assured WHO's continued support to improve the country's health indicators.

Receiving the items, the Hon Minister expressed her appreciation on behalf of the government for WHO's continued support. She said "WHO is a reliable and committed partner in providing not only technical advice, but also logistical support which are critical to the work of the Ministry".

The donation included vehicles, TruScan, HPLC pharmaceutical surveillance and quality control equipment, motor bikes, office furnishings, ICT equipment, medical and hospital supplies and other high tech equipment. The donation is aimed at strengthening sector monitoring, nutrition and pharmaceutical surveillance and HR database establishment. Some of the beneficiary programmes include the directorate of planning and information, directorate of human resource, nutrition programme, Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone and national blood services.

The donation is part of WHO continued commitment to further support implementation of the Free Health Care Initiative for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children under five years.

The items were procured with funding from the WHO regular budget from DfID and Irish Aid through the UN Joint Program.

Dr Alemu handing over the Vehicles keys to Hon Zainab Bangura Hon Minister (left) and the WHO Representative signing document Sierra Leone

 Dr Alemu Handing Over The Vehicles Keys To Hon Zainab Bangura Picture1 Picture2 Picture3 Picture4 Picture5 Picture6


For More Information contact: World Health Organization, 21 A and B Riverside Drive, off King Harman Road, Freetown Phone : 232-22-233565 , +232-76-777878; e-mail: whosl [at] sl.afro.who.inttarget="_blank"

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