The Regional African Vaccination Week 2013 has commenced successfully in the DRC

The Regional African Vaccination Week 2013 has commenced successfully in the DRC

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners officially launched the African Vaccination Week (AVW) on Monday 22 April 2012 under the theme: “Save lives. Prevent disabilities. Vaccinate”.

The launching programme was held in ‘Hotel le Fleuve’ in Kinshasa. The press was strongly represented; more than 15 TV Channels, Radio and written press attended the launch as well as various national deputies and WR.

The launch ceremony started off with a brief introduction of the expanded vaccination programme by the EPI Manager Dr Audry Wakamba.

This introduction was followed by a presentation on the African Vaccination Week by Dr Jacky Matondo, member of the AVW committee. Dr Matondo highlighted the fact that the AVW is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness at community level of the benefits of vaccination as well as other high impact interventions on Women and Childs Health. 

Welcoming words on behalf of the partners of the Inter Agency Committee were shared by the UNICEF Representative in DRC. The representatives of cell phone companies, TIGO and AIRTEL, pledged their engagement to the vaccination program.

In his AVW launching speech, The Minster of public Health in DRC, Mr Felix Kabange Numbi emphasized the challenging tasks ahead for DRC such as; maintaining the polio free status and a stop to the measles epidemic through strengthening Routine Vaccination Programmes and through organizing a successful yearly African Vaccination Week.

Launching ceremonies took place in all the 11 regions. In Kasai oriental, the ceremony held in the Kanyanya market was chaired by the provincial Minister of health and was combined with the PCV 13 introduction.

In the framework of this 3rd edition of the AVW, a video programme is under development in 3 provinces in the country (Nord Kivu, K. Occidental and Katanga). 

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