World Breastfeeding Week 2012 Observed in Eritrea

World Breastfeeding Week 2012 Observed in Eritrea

World Breastfeeding Week 2012 was observed in Eritrea under the theme, “Understanding the past – planning for the future.” It was nationally celebrated from 1 to 7 August.

The objective of the event was to raise awareness of the community on the advantages of breastfeeding. Various awareness activities were carried out in the country.

The event was officially opened by Dr Andebrhan Tesfatsion, acting Director General of Public Health Division. He elaborated on the successes and achievements Eritrea has made in breastfeeding.

It was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Health, WHO, UNICEF, other UN Agencies, pregnant women, lactating women and the community.

During the event, the WHO Representative for Eritrea, Dr. Usman Abdulmumini congratulated the Ministry of Health for celebrating the 20th breastfeeding week. He highlighted that breastfeeding is a natural and inexpensive way to educe deaths diarrhoea and respiratory infection. He pointed out that Member states reinforced the global strategy at the 65th World Health Assembly earlier this year by endorsing a comprehensive implementation plan for maternal, infant, and young child nutrition. One of the targets of the plan is that at least 50% of babies under 6 months of age should be exclusively breastfed by 2025 against a current rate of 37%. Eritrea has however passed this target and needs to set higher target.

In his remarks, the UNICEF Representative pointed out that the country needs to increase the breastfeeding practices, especially improving the urban breastfeeding practices.

Mrs. Amleset Hagos, Head of Nutrition Unit at the Ministry of Health made a presentation on the situation of breastfeeding in Eritrea compared to the global situation. She mentioned that exclusive breastfeeding increased to 69%. She admired the level mothers’ awareness.

At the event, participants were given the floor to share their experiences on breastfeeding. A contest was also organized for mothers. Questions of the contest focussed on key messages that are in line with the WHO and UNICEF recommendations and winners of the competition were given prizes.

To make the week a success both WHO and UNICEF have provided technical and financial support.

Towards the closing of the event drama and poems on the benefits of breastfeeding were presented.

In his closing remarks, Dr Andebrhan expressed readiness of the Ministry of Health and all its partners to continue to work hard to achieve the full implementation of the nutrition strategy. and called up on all stakeholders to further enhance their efforts.

Global Strategy for Infant Young and Child Feeding (IYCF) was introduced by World Health Organization WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in 2002. It provides advice on ways to protect, promote, and support exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, complementary feeding practices with the start of six months and continued breastfeeding for two years or beyond.

World Breastfeeding Week 2012 Observed in Eritrea [pdf: 578.92 kB]

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