Ebola virus disease, West Africa (Situation as of 5 May 2014)

Ebola virus disease, West Africa (Situation as of 5 May 2014)

As of 18:00 on 3 May 2014, the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Guinea has reported a cumulative total of 231 clinical cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), including 155 deaths. There has been no change in the number of cases confirmed by ebolavirus PCR (127 cases) since the last update of 2 May 2014, but one additional death has been reported among confirmed cases (82 deaths). There have been 5 new probable cases and 5 new deaths among the probable cases of EVD since the last report (currently 49 cases, including 39 deaths). In addition, 55 cases (34 deaths) are classified as suspected cases. As of 2 May, 2 patients remain in isolation in Conakry and 3 in Guekedou.  All of the new cases and deaths have been reported from Guekedou. The date of isolation of the most recent confirmed cases is 26 April in Conakry and 1 May in Guekedou.