Ebola virus disease, Liberia (Situation as of 30 March 2014)

Ebola virus disease, Liberia (Situation as of 30 March 2014)

30 March 2014 – The Ministry of Health (MoH) of Liberia has provided updated details on the suspected and confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease in Liberia.  As of 29 March, seven clinical samples, all from adult patients from Foya district, Lofa County, have been tested by PCR using Ebola Zaire virus primers by the mobile laboratory of the Institut Pasteur (IP) Dakar in Conakry.  Two of those samples have tested positive for the ebolavirus. There have been 2 deaths among the suspected cases; a 35 year old woman who died on 21 March tested positive for ebolavirus while a male patient who died on 27 March tested negative.  Foya remains the only district in Liberia that has reported confirmed or suspected cases of Ebola virus disease.  As of 26 March, Liberia had 27 contacts under medical follow-up.