WHO Health Emergencies programme in the African Region: Annual Report 2016
This inaugural annual report of the WHO Health Emergencies programme (WHE) provides an overview of key achievements during the year 2016.
The year 2016 witnessed many highlights. Most importantly was the establishment of the WHE in the region, bringing together the previously separate resources on outbreaks and humanitarian response to greatly improve our capacity to assist Member States during such events, and deliver tangible results.
Some other key achievements for 2016 included the:
- Reaffirmation of commitment of all Members States to the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) and public health security through the adoption of the Regional Strategy for Health Security and Emergencies 2016–2020.
- Successful investigation and control of numerous outbreaks.
- Completion of the newly introduced Joint External Evaluations (JEE) in nine Member States.
- Growing momentum on global public health security through continued close collaboration with partners.