Antibiotics Awareness Week Launching ceremony

Antibiotics Awareness Week Launching ceremony

In line with the World Antibiotic Awareness Week, Eritrea launched its first antibiotics awareness week campaign this year (13th – 19th November). The ceremony was held on November 13, 2017 at Orrota National Referral Hospital Conference Hall.

It was officially opened by the Director general, Mr Berhane Ghebretinsae, who highlighted how revolutionary antibiotics have been in the field of medicine and the current global health concern of antibiotic resistance. He emphasized that every country can play a role, by preventing infection in the first place, and promoting prudent use of antibiotics. Mr Berhane illustrated that national action plan (NAP) for antimicrobials resistance (AMR) is currently getting drafted, and will be finalized in the near future. He concluded by extending gratitude to the committee, to the line ministries and other partners for the collaborative work in combating AMR.

The WHO country representative, Dr Josephine Namboze, gave remarks by firstly expressing gratitude to the collaborative work of the line ministries and the coordinating committee for launching this campaign. She then conveyed the message of the regional director, which underlined the campaign theme of this year; ‘seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional when taking antibiotics’. Antibiotics are losing effectiveness due to many factors, including overuse, infection prevention control and overprescribing.
The mechanism of antibiotic resistance was briefly highlighted, as well as the impact, which include longer hospital stay and increased treatments. Antibiotics have gone from being miracle life savers to ineffective. However, there is hope in slowing this drastic process, by collaborating locally and internationally and by working to bridge the gap of antibiotic discovery void. She concluded her remarks by emphasizing that WHO will help by setting regulations and promoting collaboration.

This was followed by a presentation, on the global perspective of Antibiotic resistance, by the director of national medicines and food administration (NMFA), Mr Iyasu Bahta. He highlighted the history of antibiotics, mechanism of bacterial resistance and its emergence. Finally, he concluded his presentation by stressing on the importance of collaboration and one health approach in combating AMR.

The panel discussion shortly followed after the break, and it encompassed different professionals from the ministry of health and ministry of agriculture.

They discussed the issue of antibiotic resistance in their day to day clinical experiences, which was later elaborated with specific examples of resistant strains and the issues that arise subsequently; such as longer hospital stay. The challenges with prescribing and dispensing antibiotics rationally were highlighted as well, which included empirical treatment in humans and lack of formal prescription system in the ministry of agriculture.

The physicians also highlighted that there is a cultural issue with demanding antibiotics and lack of adherence in patients. The unavailability of data and evidence to fully support and portray impact of AMR in Eritrea was raised by the audience, and the need to carry out extensive research. As a way forward and solution to these challenges, the initiatives prescribers and dispensers can take in educating patients was discussed and emphasized, for both animal and human use.

The ceremony was officially closed by Mr Berhane, who stressed on the national action plan of AMR and the importance of one health approach, which is only possible thorough means of working together.

For more information, please contact:

Technical : Dr. Theodros Tekeste, Mobile:  +291 7438181, Email: tekestet [at] (tekestet[at]who[dot]int)
Communications: Mrs Selam Berhane, Mobile: +2917265433, Email: Berhanes [at] (Berhanes[at]who[dot]int)



  • Photo 1: Opening remarks from the WHO country representative, Dr Josephine Namboze
  • Photo 2: Director of NMFA, Mr Iyasu Bahta, presenting global perspective on AMR
  • Photo 3: Panel discussion on antibiotic resistance in Eritrea
  • Photo 4: Audience of the launching ceremony
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