Situation Report - Kasai Crisis - Democratic Republic of the Congo

Soumis par le lun 29/01/2018 - 11:46



  • Cholera

The access to primary healthcare and nutrition services continues to be constrained as a result of destruction, looting, inability of users to pay subsidized user fees across the region. During this reporting period, the cholera epidemic has continued to rock the Kasai affecting a cumulative of 3718 persons (CRF 5,78%). Although locations such as Mushenge (Kasaï) Kalambayi (Lomami), Bena Dibele and Kole (Sankuru) still present high caseloads with reduced CFRs, the Dekese health zone in the Kasai province is still reporting a CFR as high as 13%.

Difficult access to potable water, unhealthy behaviour and unhealthy environments continue to influence the spread of cholera within the hotspots. With a limited number of partners engaged in the response, the health cluster and MoH continue to advocate for more partners and multisectoral collaboration with WASH and Communication components for effective interventions.

Furthermore, the 5 provinces reported 173 deaths attributed to Malaria for the first 2 weeks of 2018, of which 59 came from Kasaï province (20 being less than 5) and 64 from Kasaï-Central province (43 being less than 5) knowing that 4784 malaria deaths have been reported from health facilities in 2017.

Elevated thresholds of malnutrition continue being reported by nutrition partners across several locations of the Kasai where the access to food commodities is constrained by extremely high market prices and poor agricultural season as a result of the conflict. Besides malnutrition, evidence from DHIS2 and epidemiological surveillance data reveal a heavy burden of morbidities such as malaria and acute respiratory infections affecting vulnerable persons including children. 

  • Measles  

27 suspected cases of measles reported in the provinces of Kasai in the first 14 days of 2018 among which 24 are from Lomami province alone. − Cumulative measles cases reported in 2017 are 9006 and 39 deaths (CFR of 0.43%)

  • Malaria 

A total of 108 101 cases of suspected malaria and 173 deaths for the first 14 days of 2018 (CFR=0.10%) − Cumulative number of cases for 2017 in the 5 provinces is 3 384 235 with 4784 and CFR 0.14%

  • Population displacement

Recent population displacement of over 2000 persons into the Katoka neighbourhood − Displacement in Luambo (figures not confirmed).

  • Malnutrition 

18 health zones in the grand Kasai region with at least 4 indicators above the required threshold

  • Partners' presence

18 partners reporting to the 4Ws with activities from 18 health zones in 3 provinces (Kasaï- Central, Kasaï and Kasaï-Oriental).