Health Systems Strengthening for Universal Health Coverage Scoping mission in Eritrea

Health Systems Strengthening for Universal Health Coverage Scoping mission in Eritrea

This important workshop was officially opened by the Director General of Medical Services, Mr Berhane Gebretensae on behalf of Hon. Minister of Health. In his remarks, he underlined the SDGs and UHC’s unique perspective and approach that requires a serious multi- and inter-sectoral engagement. He underscored the efforts of Eritrea in developing the five-year health sector strategic development plan focusing on health security and conceptualization Universal Health Coverage. To reinforce his statements he noted that “to facilitate the journey towards the SDG, the WHO Office for the African Region has developed a framework of action to achieve UHC and the SDGs which was endorsed by the Regional Committee in its 67 Session. Dr Josephine Namboze, the WHO Representative to Eritrea mentioned in her remarks that Eritrea has achieved all three core health MDGS: MDG-4 on child health, MDG-5 on maternal health, and MDG-6 on combating HIV/AIDs, Malaria and other diseases. She noted also that as the country aims to achieve universal health coverage, progressive realization on several fronts is very encouraging making it a candidate for the new approach. She highlighted the shift from program focus to a more holistic approach to the delivery of people-centered services, making sure that all cohorts of the population are adequately addressed “Leaving no one behind”

During the event, Dr Dovlo Delanyo, Director of Health Systems and Services in the WHO African Region highlighted in his presentation the key principles of SDG, the inter-linkage of health and other SDGs in general and the achievements Eritrea has scored in particular in terms of having a stable and strong health sector leadership; strong community engagement in addition to good strategies. He also emphasized the importance of designing viable policies for realizing the SDGs and UHC and early preparation to meet challenges.

Dr Delanyo pointed out some opportunities required to enhance UHC such as technologies, variable norms and sourcing of essential medical devices, expanding Anti-microbial Resistance work as well as e-Health as facilitator of efficiency. The joint arrangements of the program for the mission by the Ministry of Health and WHO was successfully completed and all set objectives were met. The sector ministries and health partners met by the experts’ team and the director have expressed their commitment to continue working with the Ministry of Health towards the realization of Universal Health Coverage and the SDGs. In the end, key areas of focus were agreed to that can be grouped broadly into five themes:

  1. Planning, Leadership and Governance – strategic and operations
  2. Information, Analysis and Evidence – standardized surveys and analyses and health observatory
  3. Raising & Use of essential Inputs – Financing UHC and essential medicines and products
  4. Health Services Delivery – Expanding coverage, expanding scope and improving quality
  5. Learning & Documenting experiences – staff development and capacity building, learning programs, eHealth and documentation.
  6. Working with other Sectors for SDG 3
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Mrs Selam Berhane

Information Assistant
WHO Country Office Eritrea
Work Phone: +291 1 114171/114175
Ext: 34419
Email: berhanes [at] (berhanes[at]who[dot]int)