Eritrea scales up IDSR for prompt detection and effective response to monkeypox outbreak and other public health emergencies

Eritrea scales up IDSR for prompt detection and effective response to monkeypox outbreak and other public health emergencies

3 June 2022 – WHO in collaboration with MOH conducted a 2 days’ workshop to scale up IDSR for prompt detection and effective response to monkeypox outbreak and other public health emergencies. A total of 45 participants from the Zobas and the National level participated in the workshop. Each zoba was represented by 5 participants namely: IDSR focal person, physician, health promotion officer, laboratory technician and EPI focal person.

This workshop was timely since it happened one week after Eritrea completed the adaptation of the 3rd edition of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) technical guidelines. The workshop provided an opportunity for participants to have a practical experience on utilization of the IDSR guidelines to promptly detect and respond to a potential monkeypox outbreak and other public health emergencies. Participants were taken through an overview of the 3rd Edition IDSR technical guidelines and application of the guidelines in monkeypox surveillance and response.

To enhance readiness for response to monkeypox outbreak and other public health threats, each zoba assessed their preparedness capacities at zoba and sub-zoba levels using a preparedness checklist. The National teams also assessed the preparedness capacities at the National level. Components assessed included capacities for coordination, risk communication and community engagement, epidemiological surveillance, rapid response teams, contact tracing, laboratory diagnosis, infection prevention and control, case management, points of entry, logistics and vaccination. The assessment revealed that the COVID-19 preparedness and response had contributed to enhancing the country preparedness for other public health threats. The monkeypox preparedness therefore leveraged on the COVID-19 preparedness and response capacities.

Following the assessment, each Zoba developed action plans to address the identified gaps. Implementation of these workplans will enhance the National and sub-National levels readiness to respond to monkeypox outbreaks and other public health threats.

“A coordination team has already been established at the National level and is closely following on the preparedness at all levels. The trained teams are expected to orient all health workers and staff in their respective zobas on monkey pox prevention and control as well as on the preparedness efforts” Said Dr Araia Berhane, Director of the Communicable Disease Control, MOH.

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For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:
Elizabeth Adhiambo Mgamb MD
Country Preparedness & IHR (CPI) Officer
Email: mgambe [at] (mgambe[at]who[dot]int) 
Work Phone: +2911114171
Cell Phone: +2917755647
GPN: 34411
Mrs Selam Berhane

Information Assistant
WHO Country Office Eritrea
Work Phone: +291 1 114171/114175
Ext: 34419
Email: berhanes [at] (berhanes[at]who[dot]int)