South Africa News

EPI and Cold Chain Managers Complete Effective Vaccine Management Training

Johannesburg -- In continuing the implementation of the 2011 Post Introduction Evaluation of New Vaccines (PIE) recommendations for South Africa, WHO and the South African Department of Health held a national training attended by national and provincial EPI, Cold Chain and Depot managers to improve Effective Vaccine Management. The workshop was facilitated by Ms Diana Chang Blanc (WHO HQ) and Mr Serge Ganivet (WHO IST-ESA) with funding from the US Centres for Disease Control.

Regional Training for Ship Sanitation Inspection and Issuance of Ship Sanitation Cer...

10 - 14 December 2012, Durban South Africa -- WHO and the Department of Health of the Republic of South Africa organized a practical training course on ship sanitation inspection (SSI) and issuance of ship sanitation certificates for States Parties in the African Region. The purpose of the training was to build countries' capacity in the implementation of the International Health Regulations.

2013 Influenza Vaccination Campaign

The National Department of Health (NDOH), Communicable Diseases Control Cluster (CDC) initiated once a year nationwide influenza vaccination campaign beginning 2010 targeting specific groups of people who are at increased risk for severe influenza. 

Polio and Measles Immunisation Campaign

The National Department of Health is planning to carry out two immunisation rounds during 2013.  First round will cover Polio and Measles starting between 29 April and 17 May.  Second round will cover only Polio and will run between 17 and 28 June 2013.  The WCO is supporting the NDOH to successfully carry out the planned immunisation. 

6th SA Aids Conference, 18 - 21 June 2013, ICC Durban, South Africa

The conference theme is Building on Successes: Integrating Systems. According to the conference chair, Koleka Mlisana, Associate Prof and Head: Dept of Medical Microbiology, University of KwaZulu-Natal and NHLS, “it is … time for all of us to ‘Build on all … successes’ as we tackle TB and HIV co-infections and move to the next phase  of  conquering TB and HIV & AIDS.” The conference provides an opportunity for participants to showcase the great work and contribution they are making in achieving “our common goal of an HIV free world”.

17th International Conference on HIV and STIs in Africa, Cape Town, 7-11 December 20...

"The ICASA conference remains one of the most important events in the calendar of the year, contributing towards overcoming the HIV and TB epidemics that grip our region. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the most affected region with over 22 Million people living with HIV and AIDS and the highest Tuberculosis rates world-wide. Through scientific advancements in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of HIV significant progress has been made to reduce the mortality and morbidity of AIDS.

United Nations Specialized Agencies, Funds, and Partnerships, South Africa Dr. Sarah...

Honorable Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi
Deputy Minister of Health, Dr Gwen Ramokgoba
Director General of Health, Ms Precious Matsoso
Senior Government Officials from National and Provincial levels
Your Excellencies, Ambassadors, High Commissioners, Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Representatives of Development Partners of the health sector
Colleagues from the UN in South Africa
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen

Developing a Research Agenda Supporting Implementation of Strategic Plan for Prevent...

Policy makers and key academics from multiple sectors including media, marketing and advertising, nongovernmental organizations and consumer organizations met at a two day dialogue to develop a research agenda that would support South Africa’s Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases 2013-2017.  The plan flows directly from targets set at the South African Summit on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable diseases and on the WHO global NCD monitoring framework.