South Africa News

World Health Day 2014: small creatures, big threat

31 October 2013 -- Vectors are small organisms such as mosquitoes, bugs, ticks and freshwater snails, that can carry disease from person to person and place to place. They can put our health at risk, at home and when we travel. The World Health Day 2014 campaign focuses on some of the main vectors and the diseases they cause and what we can all do to protect ourselves. Check the site regularly for tools and materials that will help you prepare for your World Health Day activities.

WHO addresses the Executive National Security Programme

The WHO Country Office has an annual invitation to address the Executive National Security Programme (ENSP) of the South African National Defence College.  This year the topic was on the “World Health and Demographic Trends”.  Presented by Ms Mary Anne Groepe, WHO NPO/Malaria, the presentation provided deeper insight into the security implications of world health and demographic trends with specific reference, but not limited to, Africa and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.  The presentation covered four areas:

WHO HPV Vaccination Readiness Assessment Picture Story

WHO supported the National Department of Health in the national plan to introduce Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination among girls in Grade 4 (9 years and above) in public schools.  Among the many joint activities carried out included an assessment to provide on the ground support, identify gaps in planning and high risk factors timely enough to allow remedial action and ensure success. The assessment was carried out from 18 to 27 February in all South Africa’s nine provinces. The NDOH launched the HPV vaccination campaign nationwide in Bloemfontein on March 12, 2014.

Alcohol Affordability and Impact of Excise Taxes in South Africa

The World Health Organization South Africa Country Office (WCO) commissioned study on alcohol affordability and the impact of excise taxes on alcohol consumption in South Africa. The purpose of the study was to increase the evidence base for, and support the development of, country level policies on the reduction of harms related to alcohol consumption.  The report focuses on the fiscal aspects related to alcohol policy in South Africa.  It consideres trends in alcohol taxation, tax revenues, pricing, affordability, consumption and prevalence, and how these interact with each other.

WHO Supports National Events

The World Health Organisation is currently working with the National Department of Health and key stakeholders in planning the following: 

Commemoration of Africa Vaccination Week (AVW) 2013 in April. The goal of the AVW in SA is to increase the awareness of the benefits of the second dose of measles vaccination at 18 months among health care workers, parents and caregivers. WHO is a member of the AVM 2014 Coordination Team, is involved in AVW planning and has assisted in drafting a related concept note.

Alcohol advertising trends in South Africa

Another study was commissioned by the WCO on Alcohol Advertising Trends in South Africa to provide empirical data to inform public health policies. The study found that total alcohol advertising expenditure increased from around R550 million per year between 1997 and 2003, to more than R1.7 billion in 2011 and 2012. Total alcohol advertising represents 4.4% of total advertisements, and it is increasingly focusing on new media and new products (such as ciders and flavored alcoholic beverages) that are popular among youth.

WHO Regional Director for Africa commends South Africa for its leadership in HIV, TB...

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa | 03 April 2014 - “Impressive strides have been made in the implementation of HIV, TB and PMTCT programme since the last reviews were conducted in 2009” is the highlight of the message delivered on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis Sambo by the Director of Disease Prevention and Control, WHO Regional Office for Africa, Dr Francis Kasolo. This statement was made at the handover ceremony of a report of the first ever Joint HIV, TB and PMTCT Review. 

WCO Welcomes Mr Michael Tukuru, New Operations Officer

Mr Michael Tukuru has recently been reassigned to WCO South Africa as the Operations Officer effective 26 May 2014. Previous to this assignment, he has spent the last 5 years in the Regional Office in Brazzaville Congo occupying different positions including Administrative Officer, EPR/IDS Programmes, and Manager of the Management Support unit for the DPC Cluster and subsequently the HPR/HSS Clusters. Prior to his work in Brazzaville, he spent 9 years in WCO Nigeria leaving as the Finance Officer.