World Health Day – 7 April 2009 Floods and Public Health in Angola

Luanda, 7 April 2009 -- In the past three years, Angola has witnessed a sharp decrease in rainfall as a result of climate change at the global level. During the rainy season last year, 16 of the 18 Provinces of Angola were affected by floods. Consequently, 23 407 families had no shelter and 11 401 houses and 23 facilities including health centres and hospitals were destroyed. 

World AIDS Day 2010 in Angola

The celebration in Angola of the World AIDS Day on 1st December 2010 was an opportunity for the Government of Angola and partners to continue to raise awareness to the Angolan population about HIV/AIDS, it´s social and economic impact and improve solidarity face this pandemic.

The event is one of the most visible and gives the opportunity to increase public and private partnership in Angola to expand awareness about the status of the pandemic and encouraging progress in the HIV/AIDS Prevention, treatment and care interventions.

Angola and Namibia agree to improve health interventions in bordering areas

Luanda, 7 April 2011 -- The Angolan Minister of Health, Dr. José Van-Dunem, and the Minister of Health and Social Services of Namibia, Dr. Richard Kamwi, on Tuesday 5th April 2011 signed a joint statement in which they committed themselves to coordinating and improving health interventions along the borders between the two countries.

A year without polio: Angola celebrates victory with a vision to eradicate

Luanda, 10 August 2012 - Today, Angola marks a year without a new wild poliovirus case, moving the world a step closer to the final global goal of eradicating this contagious crippling disease forever. After a concerted effort to stop polio transmission the number of polio cases dropped from 33 in 2010 to five in 2011 and no cases registered in 2012.  Laboratory results have confirmed that the last case of wild poliovirus was a 14 month old child from  Uige Province in the country's north west in July 2011. 

African Vaccination Week Angola

Wednesday, 24th of April ANGOLA. A media conference was held on the third day of the African Vaccination Week in Angola to inform the national media on AVW activities in Angola.

The conference was organized into four sessions. The first session, in attendance of the National Director of Public Health, one Representative of the National Pediatrics Association, and WHO and UNICEF Representative in Angola and the WHO Official for Immunization, was directed to the main news channels of the National Radio of Angola.

Health authorities initiate multisectoral anti-rabies campaign in Luanda

Viana (Luanda/Angola), 30 March 2015 - A vaccination campaign against rabies in animals was launched on 27 March by Angolan authorities in Viana. The campaign is aiming to immunize 235 638 dogs, cats and monkeys targeting to control the current outbreak of this deadly disease that is affecting the province of Luanda, the most populous city of Angola with about 6.7 million inhabitants.

WHO strengthens technical support to Angola to respond to Yellow Fever outbreak

Luanda, 1st March 2016 - The World Health organization (WHO) is intensifying its technical support to   Angola to ensure an integrated multi-sectoral response to the Yellow Fever Outbreak this Southern African country is experiencing since December 2015. As of 29th February 2016, a total of 634 suspected cases, 110 deaths and 25 confirmed cases have been reported.

Angola immunizes 6.7 million people against yellow fever

WHO experts remain at the frontline 

Luanda, 9 March 2016 - Angolan health authorities and national and international partners continue making tireless efforts to immunize 6.7 million people in Luanda Province and to stop the yellow fever outbreak the country has been facing  since December 2015.

WHO is supporting the procurement of 7.4 million doses of vaccine that will allow the vaccination of the entire population of Luanda above the age of 6 months.

New challenges for yellow fever outbreak control in Angola

Luanda, 23 March 2016 – Two months after the first yellow fever cases were confirmed in the Viana municipality, Luanda province, the Angolan authorities and health partners involved in the outbreak response are facing new challenges with reports of local transmissions in other Provinces of the country. In spite of all the efforts made since 21 January 2016, ten out of the eighteen provinces in Angola continue reporting yellow fever cases with a a total of 459 confirmed cases and 178 deaths to date.