Ethiopia News

Helping diabetic patients live positively

Volunteers and staff at the Ethiopian Diabetes Association educate patients and their families on the management of diabetes, including demonstrations on how to correctly inject insulin and measure blood glucose, maintain a healthy diet and avoid complications. They also provide crucial emotional and psychosocial support. The Ethiopian Diabetes Association holds annual forums around World Diabetes Day in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and other partners. It also organizes sessions and produces materials for frontline workers, patients and their families on counseling, nutrition, and diabetic footcare following WHO guidelines.

Ethiopia launches the first ever nOPV2 vaccination campaign alongside commemoration ...

On 22 October 2021, Ethiopia launched a polio vaccination campaign with type 2 novel oral polio vaccine (nOPV2) targeting over 17 million under-five children aiming to end the circulation of vaccine-derived poliovirus. The campaign was officially launched by the Ministry of Health and polio partners in Hawassa, Sidama, alongside the commemoration of World Polio Day with the theme, “One Day. One Focus: Ending Polio: Delivering on the promise of a polio-free world”. 

Joint statement by WHO-UNICEF-ROTARY on World Polio Day

Today, as the world commemorates World Polio Day with the theme, “One Day. One Focus: Ending Polio – delivering on our promise of a polio-free world!”, and Ethiopia launches a nationwide polio vaccination (nOPV2) campaign, we – the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and ROTARY – reaffirm our commitment to continue delivering on our promise of a polio-free world for current and future generations.

WHO awards Ethiopian official Ms Heran Gerba in honor of her fight for tobacco contr...

Addis Ababa - Ms. Heran Gerba, Director General (DG), Ethiopia Food and Drug Authority (EFDA) has received the 2021 World No Tobacco Day Award today for her efforts in tobacco control through her leadership role at FDA.

In a ceremony organized today, WHO Ethiopia handed over the award to Ms Heran, which includes a medal and certificate of recognition signed by the WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom.

Ms Heran is one of the six awardees selected for this year from the WHO Africa region.