Kenya hosts commemoration to accelerate comprehensive implementation of WHO FCTC in ...

Nairobi, 25 February 2015 -- The WHO meeting to commemorate the implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) started in Nairobi today with members and participants commending great milestones but cautioning that a lot is still needing to be done to save lives from the tobacco epidemic.

The meeting attended by Member States outlines the implementation status for each state and what still remains to be done to protect African citizens from tobacco use and tobacco-related deaths.

Global ALL IN campaign fights rising HIV infections and deaths among adolescents

The Global ALL IN campaign against adolescent infection and death by HIV-AIDS kicked off with calls to listen, involve and include young people in efforts to reduce AIDS-related deaths and new HIV infections. 

The launch presided by the Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta and lauded by various UN global leaders, is a fresh call to act on the rising numbers of infection and death among global and African youth. The campaign aims to achieve reductions in AIDS-related deaths by 65% and new HIV infection by 75% by 2020.

Kenya marks World Cancer Day with high expectation

The World Cancer Day in Kenya has been marked by a call for heightened public awareness, greater responsibility and action by all stakeholders and the need for a medical environment that enables early screening, access to treatment and better trained personnel.

The calls come at the backdrop of the Kenyan situation in which 27 000 people are estimated to die of the disease annually and between 20 000 and 80 000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed annually.

Kenya joins the world in historical tOPV to bOPV SWITCH

Kenya joined the rest of the world in April 18, 2016, to implement SWITCH, the global health effort to shift from the use of trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV) to bivalent oral poliovirus vaccine bOPV.

The activity countrywide was marked by an aggressive effort to retrieve all tOPV vaccine from all the health facilities and placement with bOPV.