Kenya National Oral Health Strategic Plan 2022 - 2026
Oral health refers to the health status of the mouth and related structures that enable an individual to eat, speak, and socialize in the absence of active disease, dysfunction, pain, discomfort, or embarrassment. The mouth, comprising the teeth, masticatory muscles, tongue, mucosal soft tissues, and salivary glands, is the body’s main portal for nourishment. It may provide access for bacteria, viruses, fungi and other vectors of disease. It is the starting point of the body’s defence system and immunity. Oral health is thus an integral component of general health, quality of life and wellbeing. Poor oral health has a negative impact on general health, work productivity and educational performance and adversely affects growth, development and quality of life. Oral diseases are among the most common chronic diseases worldwide and constitute a major public health problem due to the enormous disease and economic burden on individuals, families, societies, and healthcare systems. All oral diseases are related to socioeconomic status and disproportionately affect poor population groups, ethnic minorities and other disadvantaged or vulnerable groups.