Mauritius News

Training of legislators and advisors by WHO in Mauritius on use of various legal too...

Legal advisors and judicial officers from Botswana, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia attended a 3 day legal capacity building workshop in Port Louis, Mauritius from 01 to 03 March 2023, to strengthen tobacco control and reduction of NCD risk factors.  Mauritius was proposed to host the multi-country training workshop for legal advisors and judicial officers in government of countries in the East and Southern sub-region of Africa. The selection of Mauritius as the venue of this meeting is because its amended tobacco control law adopted in May 2022 is a legislative best practice in the WHO African Region. The country’s new tobacco control legal framework is comprehensive, and embeds plain packaging, a primer in the Region. The implementation of the law has agreed timelines and is a comparative law implementation best practice that participants will engage with and learn from to support their respective countries.   Dr the Hon K. K. Jagutpal, Mauritius Minister of Health and Wellness, during the opening of the training workshop said, “the 31st of May 2023, which happens to be the World No Tobacco Day will be of significant importance to us as Plain Packaging will be introduced in the Republic of Mauritius as from this day”. Plain Pacaging will be introduced in the Republic of Mauritius as from 1st June 2023 in order to prohibit the use of logos, colours, brand images and promotional information on tobacco packages. Instead, a standard green brown colour, namely Pantone 448 C, will be applied coupled with the pictorial warnings.

Mauritius strives to reducing barriers to life-saving preventive services and awaren...

Mauritius marked the World Cancer 2023 at national level with high commitment to reduce barriers to life-saving preventive services while focusing on raising awareness on cancer. The World Health Organization (WHO) Representative in Mauritius, Dr Anne Marie Ancia, the Parliamentary Private Secretary, Mr Serge Gilbert Bablee, and other personalities attended the event in the presence of the Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr the Hon Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal.  World Cancer Day 2023, commemorated around the world on 04 February marks the second year of the global campaign “Close the care gap” which focuses on building stronger alliances and new innovative collaborations in the fight against cancer by “uniting our voices and taking action”. On the commemoration of this important world day event in Mauritius on 06 February at Camp Fouquereaux Social Welfare Centre, Plaines Wilhems, the Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr the Hon Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal emphasized the importance of regular screening and early diagnosis to better treat cancer and saving lives. It was an occasion to raise awareness on cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment.  Cancer being the leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 or nearly one in six deaths. The Minister of Health and Wellness said, “cancer is the third main cause of death in Mauritius. According to the National Cancer Registry, some 2,866 new cases of cancer were detected in 2021, including 1,185 men and 1,681 women".  Around 18.7% men suffer from prostate cancer while 35.2% women suffer from colorectal cancer and cervical cancer, he added. Dr Hon Jagutpal drew attention on the alarming statistics for cigarettes and alcohol consumption.  He urged everyone to stay away from risk behaviours such as tobacco use, physical inactivity and unhealthy eating habits.  Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and practice physical exercises regularly can reduce one’s risk of developing cancer by 40%.

Mauritius is moving a step ahead in its fight against cancer by extending vaccinatio...

Port Louis. 31 January 2023.  Mauritius is moving a step ahead in its fight against cancer by extending the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme to boys aged 9 to 15 years old as well girls. The national HPV communication campaign was launched on 13 January 2023 by the Health Minister, Dr the Hon kailesh Kumar Jagutpal and Dr Anne Ancia WHO Representative in Mauritius at the seats of the Ministry of Health and Wellness. The World Health Organization collaborated closely with the Ministry of Health and Wellness to produce four short videos on HPV as part of the sensitization campaign to inform the population of the benefits of HPV vaccination and the importance of vaccinating both boys and girls against HPV. In his address, Dr Jagutpal said, “HPV vaccination is part of the National Cancer Control Programme 2022-2025 and had proven to be very effective in reducing the risk of HPV-related cancers.”  He added, “vaccinating both boys and girls aged 9 to 15 years old against HPV is crucial to protect them later in life from certain types of cancers.”  It is the main cause of cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men, and might as well cause head, neck and anus cancers in women and men, he further added. Some75 officers of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, have been thus trained on this new vaccination programme.  According to the Minister of Health and Wellness, the training of the health professionals is important as this is a new vaccination programme. “Health professionals involved in the HPV vaccination programme should be able to provide the right information and they need to have a comprehensive knowledge on HPV vaccination to be able it to answer any questions parents might have regarding vaccination of boys”, said Dr the Hon Jagutpal.

Launching of Mauritius-WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2023-2026 for scaling up uni...

Port Louis. 19 January 2023.  The third World Health Organization Country Cooperation Strategy was launched on 18 January 2023 by the Health Minister, Hon. Dr K. Jagutpal and the WHO Representative in Mauritius, Dr Anne Ancia in the presence of UN Resident Coordinator, Ms  Lisa Singh, other UN Agencies, European Union, Embassies, high level officials of the Ministry of Health and other ministries among others. This four-year Country Cooperation Strategy lays down the road map of how the three levels of World Health Organization (WHO) will work with the Republic of Mauritius to improve health and wellness of the population.  It has been harmonized with the national Vision 2030, the Government Programme, the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) 2020-2024, the UN Strategic Partnership Framework and WHO General Programme of Work-13.  It aims at progressing towards the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The document has been developed in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness following consultations with key players. In his address, Dr the Hon Jagutpal acknowledged the ‘unflinching support’ received from the World Health Organization during the implementation of the first two country cooperation strategies but also during Covid-19 pandemic. “We are grateful to WHO for the valuable support provided during the pandemic, especially the active participation of the WHO Representative in the High-level committee chaired by the Prime Minister.  WHO provided valuable support for the elaboration of the guidelines and protocols to prevent and control Covid-19”.  WHO’s support has been crucial in the procurement of vaccines through the COVAX facilities and in setting up the laboratory testing facilities and Covid-19 testing centres.  WHO has provided support to the country for the elaboration of several national action plans and publication of the National Health Accounts, among other projects, said Dr Hon K. Jagutpal.  Under this new WHO country cooperation strategy, WHO will be providing funding amounting to 20.8 million USD to save lives and reduce sufferings.  Dr Anne Ancia, WHO Representative in Mauritius, said, “the overall goal of the Country Cooperation Strategy is to scale up universal health coverage and by implementing the 4 strategic priorities, Mauritius will contribute to achieving the three billion goals.” WHO will continue to work towards strengthening partnership of both health and non-health actors, she added.

World Diabetes Day 2022: Mauritius launched Health Promotion Clubs in the Public Ser...

Port Louis, 17 November 2022.  The Honourable Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr kailash Kumar Jagutpal launched Health Promotion Clubs in the Public Service on 14 November 2022 to mark the World Diabetes Day 2022 in Mauritius.  The Health Promotion Clubs aim at promoting a healthy lifestyle among the public officers through regular practice of physical activity, talks and awareness campaigns on health issues, especially NCD risk factors and regular NCD screening programme.  Eminent personalities including the Minister of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms, Honourable Mr Teeruthraj Hurdoyal and the newly arrived World Health Organization (WHO) Representative, Dr Anne Marie Ancia attended the event.  High officials of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, representatives of other ministries  and numerous public officers were also present. “Diabetes is a silent killer.  It affects a huge proportion of the population in Mauritius,” said Dr K. Jagutpal, Health Minister in his address.  He expressed concern on the growing number of prediabetes in the population as well as the prevalence of uncontrolled diabetes. The risks of having complications are higher among the uncontrolled diabetes said Dr Hon. Jagutpal.   “You need to know yourself.  That is in terms of your family history as heredity is a non-modifiable factor for noncommunicable diseases”, added Dr K. Jagutpal.  He urged public officers to take advantage of the facilities that are being put at their disposal at their workplace for regular practice of physical activity to prevent diabetes and other NCDs. “You need to invest more in your health and you have to work hard to make this behaviour of practicising regular physical activity a habit”, further added the Health Minister.     The Health Minister emphasized on this year’s theme "Education to protect tomorrow", and the need for better access to quality diabetes education for health professionals and people living with diabetes.   The last NCD survey conducted in 2021 shows around 20% of the overall population in Mauritius has diabetes.  The prevalence of uncontrolled diabetes is a real concern as it increases the risk of severe health complications such as heart diseases, renal impairment, eyes problems and damaged arteries. Pre-diabetes and obesity are major precursors of diabetes and cardiovascular disease and therefore, promoting a healthy lifestyle at an early age will help to reverse the situation.   The support and technical assistance provided by the World Health Organization was duly acknowledged by Dr Hon. K. Jagutpal.

Mauritius reaches another milestone in its fight against Covid-19 by inoculating 5 ...

“To protect myself against Covid-19,” said little Rita aged 9 years who seems to understand well why she received the first dose of the pediatric Pfizer vaccine at her school. Rita’s mother gave her written consent after receiving information about the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years from the school. At home, we have all been fully vaccinated. We did our booster dose. Now, it is time for our children also to get protected against Covid-19, she said. Mauritius launched its national vaccination campaign for children, aged 5 to 11 years, against Covid-19 on  May 23 at the Petit Verger Government School in the presence of  the Hon. Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science & Technology; Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Hon Kailesh Kumar Jagutpal; the British High Commissioner, Ms Charlotte Pierre; the WHO Representative a.i., Dr Indrajit Hazarika and other eminent personalities.  The vaccination of the children aged 5 to 11 years is a milestone in the fight against COVID-19 in Mauritius and this has been made possible with the donation of pediatric Pfizer vaccines from the British Government. This campaign concerns children attending public and private schools as well as 'Special Needs Schools'.  With parents’ consent, the children from 307 educational institutions will received two doses of the pediatric Pfizer vaccine within 4 to 8 weeks.

Dissemination of the tobacco surveys’ findings by the VISA NGO, the University of Ma...

Port Louis. The findings of two tobacco surveys conducted to explore compliance of nightclubs to the smoke-free regulations and the availability of electronic cigarettes and waterpipes in Mauritius were disseminated during a half-day workshop held in Quatre Bornes on 17 March 2022.  VISA collaborated with the University of Mauritius and the World Health Organization in this research initiative. The Honorary President of VISA, Mrs Veronique Leclezio, the President of VISA, Mr Poubarlanaden Appavoo, and Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative launched the reports in the presence of Mr Deowan Mohee, an active member of the Association, Dr Marie Chan Sun, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Mauritius and Dr Balkrish Beedassy, representing the Minister of Health and Wellness. Dr B. Beedassy in his address, recalled “smoking is a major modifiable risk factor to non-communicable diseases” and enumerated the tobacco control measures successfully implemented in the country to protect the population.

Signing of the Programme Budget 2022-2023 by Health Minister and WHO Representative

The Health Minister, Dr the Hon. Kailash Kumar Jagutpal and the WHO Representative in Mauritius, Dr Laurent Musango signed the approved Programme Budget for 2022-2023 during an official ceremony held on 16 March 2022 in the presence of the Senior Chief Executive, Directors Health Services and other administrative and technical cadre of the Ministry and the WHO country office team.  WHO is providing a total financial envelope of 100 million Mauritian rupees equivalent to USD 2.25 million to support the country for the period 2022-2023. Dr the Hon. K. K. Jagutpal, in his address, said that the signature of the documents will officialize the excellent working relationship between the WHO and the Ministry. He emphasized the financial cost of implementing projects and strategies and appreciate the sharing of the financial responsibility by the Ministry of Health and Wellness through its yearly assesses contribution and WHO biennium Programme Budget.  The Health Minister enumerated the seven priority areas which the Ministry of Health and Wellness will act upon with an approved budget of more than USD 2,2 million from the WHO Regional Office for Africa.  Actions will be geared towards improving access to quality health service; improving access to essential medicines, vaccines and diagnostics for primary health care; improving the country’s preparedness regarding the detection and response to health emergencies; building capacity to promote a healthy environment for the citizens with enhanced focus on prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases; strengthening the collection and interpretation of medical data; polio eradication; and elimination of tropical diseases. Dr the Hon. Jagutpal lauded the WHO’s support, especially in the management of the COVID-19 situation. He acknowledged WHO assistance in the procurement of vaccines through the COVAX Facility, the procurement of medical supplies and equipment, capacity building of health personnel, and the technical support provided by WHO experts to assist the country in managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Launching of a new Haemodialysis Unit to mark World Kidney Day 2022

The Health Minister, Hon. Kailash Kumar Jagutpal inaugurated a new Haemodialysis Unit at the New Souillac on 10 March 2022 in the presence of the WHO Representative, Dr Laurent Musango and other personalities to mark World Kidney Day in Mauritius. This new Unit comprising 22 haemodialysis machines has the capacity to accommodate around 150 patients and aims at decentralizing further the treatment of patients suffering from kidney disease. Some 1,500 patients in Mauritius undergo dialysis treatment in the five Regional Hospitals, the New Souillac Hospital, the Long Mountain Hospital, and Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Rodrigues. The Ministry of Health and Wellness also collaborates with private clinics to accommodate more patients with the increasing number of patients requiring dialysis treatment. In his address, Dr Hon. Jagutpal emphasized the importance of sensitizing the population on kidney diseases and promoting a healthy lifestyle.  The Health Minister explained that the Government disbursed some Rs 150 million to enable 250 patients to undergo dialysis treatment in private clinics.   He urged the population to take advantage of the numerous sports facilities put at their disposal across the country. Dr Laurent Musango, the WHO Representative in Mauritius highlighted, “the high NCD burden in Mauritius and the disastrous impact of uncontrolled diabetes on the kidney function.”  He added that many of the NCDs when uncontrolled can impact severely on kidney function.