Mauritius News

Building Consensus on the National Laboratory Policy

A Policy workshop was held on 19 December 2019 by the Ministry of Health and Wellness in close collaboration with WHO with the aim of building consensus on the National Laboratory Policy.    The participation of a wide range of stakeholders including development partners, professional users and technical experts such as laboratory scientists, engineers, clinicians, pathologists, public health experts, health economists and financers was crucial in view of developing  an efficient, cost-effective and sustainable quality health laboratory service. There is need for a National  Laboratory Policy  to ensure safety and reliability of health laboratories.  The policy will also provide a framework for coordinated delivery of quality and accessible laboratory services country-wide.  Mauritius is committed to develop and implement its National laboratory policy to ensure quality health to the population.

Calling upon Families to Act on Diabetes Now

The new Minister of Health and Wellness of the Republic of Mauritius, Dr Hon Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal launched a series of activities in the south of the country on 23 November 2019 to mark the World Diabetes Day at national level.  The objective of the World Diabetes Day was to raise global awareness about the increasing burden of diabetes, and the lifestyle measures that can be taken to prevent it.  Eminent personalities participated in the event including Dr Hon M. I.

Dr L. Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius, courtesy call to newly appointed Min...

About one month after the dissolution of the National Assembly, the general election took place on 7 November 2019 for the people of the Republic of Mauritius to elect the new members of the parliament.   The ruling party – Militant Socialist Movement (MSM) in alliance with Mouvement Liberateur and led by the Prime Minister, Honorable Pravind Kumar Jugnauth (ML) was reelected to g

Awarding the Best Anti-Tobacco ‘Fresque Murale’

The Awarding Ceremony for the National Anti-Tobacco ‘Fresque Murale’ Inter-College Competition took place on 30 September 2019 at the R. Gandhi Science Centre, Bell Village in the presence of the high officials from the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research and WHO Representative in Mauritius, Dr Laurent Musango. Dr Bhoshun Ori, Director Health Services during his welcome address recalled that the National Anti-Tobacco Mural Painting Inter-Collage Competition was organized in June 2019 in the context of the World No-Tobacco Day 2019.  The aim of the competition was to deter the very first puff among young school youth.  A total of twenty-two private and public secondary schools registered for the competition.  Students in group of 5 to 8, led by their respective teachers, conceptualized mural painting at their respective schools according to the technical guidelines set.  A panel of juries comprising technical officers from the ministries of Health and Education, chaired by Dr Ori, Director Health Services, reviewed and assessed the entries based on well-defined criteria which include creativity, relevance and presentation among others. Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius, during his speech, congratulated all the students who participated in the competition.  ‘You are winners in this competition’, he told the students present.  During the competition, you have sensitized your peers and everyone at schools on the harmful effects of smoking.  ‘Young people underestimate the likelihood of becoming addicted to nicotine when they first tried to smoke’, emphasized Dr Musango. 

SIDS Pooled Procurement Initiative to Improve Access To Quality Medicines

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the WHO Africa Region discussed Pooled Procurement Programme to reduce costs and improve access to quality medicines during a First Technical Meeting held in Mauritius from 16 to 18 July 2019. Directors Pharmaceutical Services, Heads of regulatory and procurements agencies, finance experts and other key stakeholders from SIDS countries of the African Region, namely Cabo Verde, Comoros, Mauritius, Sao Tome and Principe and Seychelles participated in this important meeting. Madagascar also joined the meeting which aimed at building consensus towards the effective implementation of the SIDS Pooled Procurement Program in line with the Seychelles Declaration of September 2017 wherein Health Ministers expressed interest to implement a Pooled Procurement mechanism.

New Budgetary Measures to improve the health and well-being of the population

The Prime Minister Hon. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth presented on 11 June 2019 the National Budget for year2019-2020.  According to Hon. P. K. Jugnauth, the 2019-2020 is a budget that speaks to the aspirations of youth, men and women and above all, to the well-being of the Mauritian population. The Government of Mauritius is placing high priority on improving health and the well-being of the population, especially by addressing Noncommunicable Diseases, and this is reflected in some of the majors decisions announced by the Prime Minister

Mauritius Awarded ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ for World No-Tobacco Day 2019

The efforts made by the Republic of Mauritius and its commitment and leadership in the African Region were recognized by the World Health Organization during the World No-Tobacco Day 2019.   Dr Hon Anwar Husnoo, Minister of Health and Quality of Life received the ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ from Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius on behalf of Dr Tedros, Director General and Dr Moeti, Regional Director of the World Health Organization during the celebration of the event on 30 May 2019 at S. Virahsawmy State Secondary School in Rivière du Rempart. 

Promoting Cycling for Health, Environment Protection and Road Safety

All were set for the members of the public present at Roche Bois Youth Centre to start the road cycling activity ‘Pédaler en toute securité', organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders on 13 May 2019.  The objectives of the activity were to encourage the population to practice cycling on a regular basis as a leisure activity and for physical fitness.  It also aimed at creating public awareness on road safety and cycling as a safe and healthy form of transportation.   Hon. Mr Stephan Toussaint, Minister of Youth and Sports, Lord Mayor of Port Louis, Mr Daniel Laurent and Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius, all dressed in sports-wear and on their bike, started the cycling trip from Roche Bois Youth Centre to City Centre in  Port Louis.  People from different age groups responded positively to the invitation and cycled some 14 kilometres in the streets of Port Louis.

UNCT Family Retreated in Seychelles Over One Week Activities

The UNCT Family Retreat, held at the Savoy Hotel in the idyllic island of Seychelles, spread over one week, with the participation of delegates from diverse UN Organisations and Government Officials uniting for the first time to achieve as ‘Delivering as One’.  The retreat aimed at building on the lessons learnt from the previous years, agreeing on the UNCT’s collective strategic engagement within the context of regional framework, UN reform and support both countries to achieve SDGs.   Given the high level of engagement of the stakeholders and the regional dimension of the event, the UNCT retreat this year welcomed a panoply of personalities namely, Heads of Agencies, Agencies Focal Persons, Regional Directors, Regional Coordinators and WHO Representatives from four countries of the sub-region.

Courtesy visit of the UNCT Retreat members to the President of Seychelles

His Excellency, the President of Seychelles, Mr Danny Faure welcomed the UN delegation for a courtesy visit in the morning of Tuesday April 16, 2019 at the State House of Seychelles. H.E. Mr D. Faure acknowledged the commitment of the UN delegation, lead respectively by Dr. Julitta Onabanjo, Regional Director, East and Southern Africa of UNFPA and Her Excellency Ambassador Christine Umutoni, UN Resident Coordinator for Mauritius and Seychelles. The delegation also comprised Regional Directors from UNESCO and UNWTO, and Heads of UN agencies of four countries namely Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles who will participate in the UN Retreat.