Namibia - WHO Director General Dr. Margaret Chan to make first visit to Namibia from...

Windhoek, 19 April 2011 -- WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan will touch down on 23 April 2012 for a four-day visit to Namibia. Dr Chan’s visit coincides with World Malaria Day, 25 April which will be commemorated under the theme, “Sustain Gains. Save Lives. Invest in Malaria.” The high-level mission will focus on efforts to accelerate malaria control and elimination, among other priority issues.

WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan makes first visit to Namibia

WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan touched down on 23 April 2012 for a four-day visit to Namibia. Dr Chan’s visit coincided with World Malaria Day, 25 April which was commemorated under the theme, “Sustain Gains. Save Lives. Invest in Malaria.” The high-level mission not only focused on malaria but used the opportunity to discuss issues related to maternal and child health, health systems strengthening, human resources for health, among other priority issues.

Maternity waiting homes in Namibia: Hope for the future

On 17th March 2015, all PARMaCM stakeholders, including the former First Lady of Namibia and the former Health Minister as well as Health Partners came together to view the first PARMaCM documentary on the importance of maternity waiting homes in Namibia.

Bringing healthcare to rural communities

Ndapewa lay awake, listening to the sounds of the night: the leaves of the mopane trees rustling in the light breeze; in the distance, a donkey braying; and in her hut, her husband’s light snoring, and the fast, shallow breathing of her child, Ndakolo.

Annual African Vaccination Week (AVW) 2016

A Call to Close the Immunization Gap

Windhoek,  28 April 2016 – The sixth African Vaccination Week (AVW) has been launched in Ganta, Nimba County of Liberia, on 25 April 2016 in the presence of high level officials and respected community leaders. The AVW is commemorated by African Countries during the week of 24–30 April 2016 with the theme, “Close the Immunization Gap. Stay Polio Free.”

WHO Representative to Namibia presents credentials

WINDHOEK, 18 MAY 2017 – The newly appointed World Health Organization (WHO) Representative to Namibia, Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses has this month (08 May 2017) officially presented his credentials to the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Hon. Mrs. Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah –who doubles as Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Namibia.