EU and WHO support accreditation of Maiduguri College of Nursing and Midwifery

Maiduguri, 9 July, 2020 - The College of Nursing and Midwifery, Maiduguri in Borno state, has secured full accreditation from the regulatory body, the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.

The accreditation comes 40 years after inception and made possible with recent donation of modern equipment and tools by WHO with funding support from the European Union.

Community leaders help drive COVID-19 testing in Nigeria’s Kano

When health officials in Kano State noted that turnouts for Covid-19 testing were consistently low across communities, they grew worried. Many residents were unaware of how serious the Covid-19 disease was, and despite sensitization messages on the pandemic, some did not believe COVID-19 was real. How then, officials worried, would health workers be able to convince residents to submit themselves for testing so infected persons could be isolated and treated?

Germany boosts WHO’s strategies to support government-led interventions for vulnerab...

Maiduguri, 26 June, 2020 - “Sometimes I wonder what our lives would have become without the intervention of the humanitarian organizations,” says Alhaji Umara Monguno, a 48-year-old farmer in Monguno Local Government Area, Borno state. In his five-acre beans farm recently, Alhaji Umara bares his mind on how humanitarian organizations have supported his family and indeed community. “The other day my wife took ill, we went to the clinic managed by one of the NGOs. She was treated at no financial cost.

Gender-responsive leadership is central to end polio

Dr Fiona Braka holds one of the highest-stake roles in the African regional polio programme – supporting the Government of Nigeria in their fight to defeat wild poliovirus. She is the first woman to hold her position in Nigeria, and before that was the first female polio team lead in Ethiopia.

Volunteering in Nigeria’s COVID-19 battle

Hauwa Ibrahim is unsure when she will see her family again. Two months ago, the 29-year-old nurse volunteered to work at a COVID-19 treatment centre in Nigeria’s capital Abuja. Worried she might put her family at risk of catching the virus, she opted to stay at the centre. Like her, many health workers lending a hand to the country’s battle against the pandemic have forgone time with family.

World Blood Donor Day- stakeholders advocate for more measures for safer blood donat...

 Abuja, 15 June 2020 - On June 14 2020, Nigeria commemorated the World Blood Day and stakeholders are asking for measures for the supply of safe blood, especially during emergencies and outbreaks such as COVID-19.

“We need the current blood safety bill which advocates for proper regulation of donated blood to be enacted by the legislators. Strong advocacy on a high level is also needed to see blood donation as an essential part of the health systems in Nigeria”, says Dr Omosigho Izedonmwen of National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) Abuja Center.